International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Treaty of Peace and Alliance among the Holy Roman Emperor, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Spain

and particularly to conclude a new treaty there, as has been faid,
concerning commerce, and the fate of impofts, as far as relates
to the Auftrian Netherlands, and according to the intention of
the aforefaid 26th article. ‘Tis moreover agreed, and folemnly
ftipulated, that every thing which it hath been thought fit to
leave to the commiffioners who are to meet at Antwerp, fhall be
brought to a final iffue, with all the juftice and integrity, as foon
as poffible, and in fuch manner that the laft hand may be put to
that work, at leaft within the fpace of two years.
VI. As the exmaniation and difcuffion of the other points
which remain to be difcuffed, either between the contracting
parties, or any of their confedrates, require much more time
than can be fpared in this critical fituation of affairs, therefore
to avoid all delays which might be too prejudicial to the com-
mon welfare, ‘tis covenanted and agreed to declare mutually,
that all the treaties and conventions which any of the faid con-
tracting powers have made with other princes and ftates, fhall
fubfift as they now are, excepting only fo far as they may be con-
trary to any the points regulated by the prefent treaty; and
moreover, that all the difputes which are actually between the
faid contracting parties, or any of their allies, fhall be amicably
adjufted as foon as poffible ; and in the mean time the contract-
ing parties fhall mutually endeavour to prevent any of thofe
who have differences, from having refource to arms to fupport
their pretenfions.
VII. To take away all manner of doubt from the fubjects of
the King of Great Britain, and the Lords the States General,
touching their commerce in the kingdom of Sicily, his Imperial
and Catholic Majefty has been pleafed to declare, that from this
time forward, they fhall be treated in the fame manner, and
upon the fame foot as they were or ought to have been treated
in the time of Charles II. King of Spain of glorious memory, and
as any nation in the ftricteft friendfhip has been ufually treated.
VIII. There fhall be included in this treaty of peace, all thofe
who within the fpace of fix months, after its ratifications are
exchanged, fhall be propofed by either party, and by common
IX. This prefent treaty fhall be approved and ratified by his
Imperial and Catholic Majefty, by his facred royal Majefty of
Great Britain, and by the High and Mighty Lords the States
General of the United Netherlands, and the ratifications fhall be
given and exchanged at Vienna, within fix weeks, to be com-
puted from the day of figning.
In witnefs and confirmation whereof, as well the Imperial
commiffioners, in quality of ambaffadors extratordinary and
plenipotentiaries, as the Minifter of the King of Great Britain,
equally furnifhed with full powers have figned this treaty with
their own hands, and fealed it with their feals. Done at Vinnea
in Auftria, the 16th day of March, in the year of our Lord, 1731.

(L. S.) Eugene of Savoy.
(L. S.) Philip Lewis of Zinzendorf.
(L. S.) Gundacker Thomas of Staremberg.

(L. S.) Thomas Robinfon.

Separate Article.
THOUGH by the firft article of the treaty concluded this day
between his Imperial and Catholic Majefty, his facred royal
Majefty of Great Britain, and the Lords the States General of the
United Provinces and the Netherlands, the contracting parties
did mutually promife, among other things, that they would
with all their forces oppofe the enterprises of any perfon or per-
fons who flould (perhaps contrary to expectation) offer to give
difturbance to any of the contracting parties, their heirs or fucc-
effors, in the peaceable poffeffion of their kingdoms, domin-
ions, provinces, countries, rights or immunities, which each of
the contractors doth or ought to enjoy at the time of the con-
clufion of the prefent treaty; the faid contracting parties have
neverthelefs agreed among themfelves, by virtue of the prefent
feparate article, That if it fhould happen, perhaps in procefs of
time, that the Turks fhould offer to difturb his facred Imperial
and Catholic Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, in the quiet poff-
effion of the kingdoms, dominions, provinces, countries, right
or immunitis, which his Imperial Majefty actually doth, or
ought to enjoy, the guaranties ftipulatcd in the faid firft article,
are not to be exteneded to this cafe now mentioned.
This Separate Article fhall have the fame Force, &c.

DECLARATION concerning the Spanifh Garrifons,
which are to be introduced into the ftrong Places of
Tufcany, Parma, and Placentia.
Forafmuch as his facred Imperial Catholic Majefty was
defirous to have all manner of fecurity, before he would con-
fent on his part to the third article of the treaty concluded this
day, which regulates the immediate introduction of the Span-
ifh garrifons into the ftrong places of Tufcany, Parma and Pla-
centia, agreeably to the real views and intentions contained in
the promifes made and figned in the treaty of Seville, partly on
the 9th, and partly on the 21ft day of November, Anno 1729;
his farced royal Majefty of Great Britain and the High and
Mighty Lords the States General of the United Neth rlands,
have not only exhibited thofe promifes,bona file, as they are
here fubjoined to his facred, Imperial, and Catholic Majefty,
but moreover they have not hefitated to affirm in the ftrongeft
manner, that when they agreed to introduce the Spanifh garri-
fons into the ftrong places of Tuscany, Parma and Placentia,
they had no intention to depart in the leaft from thofe things
which had been fettled by the fifth article of the quadruple
alliance, concluded at London 1718, either with regard
to the rights of his Imperial Majefty, and the Empire, or to the
fecurity of the kingdoms and ftates, which his Imperial
Majefty actually poffeffeth in Italy, or laftly to the prefervation
of the quiet and dignity of thofe who were then the lawful pof-
feffors of those Duchies. For this purpofe his royal Majefty of
Great Britain and the High and Mighty Lords the States Gen-
eral of the United Netherlands have declared, and do declare,

AuJuly 22g. 2

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