International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Defensive Treaty of Peace and Alliance among Great Britain, Hungary (the Holy Roman Empire), and Sardinia

Article II. To this end the allies engage themfelves afrefh to a
moft exprefs guaranty of all the kingdoms, ftates, countries, and
dominions, which they are now in poffeffion of, or ought to
poffefs by virtue of the treaty of alliance made at Turin in 1703 :
Of the treaties of peace of Utrecht and Baden : of the treaty of
peace and alliance, commonly called the Quadruple alliance: Of
the treaty of pacification and alliance concluded at Vienna the
16th of March, 1731 : Of the act of guaranty given in confe-
quence thereof, and paffed into a law of the empire, the 11th of
January, 1732 : Of the act of acceffion, figned likewife in confe-
quence of the faid treaty, at the Hague the 20th of February,
1732 : Of the treaty of peace figned at Vienna, the 1 8th of
November, 1738 ; and of the acceffion thereto, done and figned
at Verfailles the 3d of February, 1739 : All which treaties are fully
recalled and confirmed here, forafmuch as they may concern
the Allies, and as far as they have not derogated from them by
the prefent treaty.
Article III. In conformity to the guaranty contained in the
foregoing article, and to the end that no fubject of difpute may
remain between the two moft ferene houfes of Auftria and
Savoy, his Majefty the King of Sardinia, for himfelf, his heirs and
fucceffors, renounces by name, and for ever, but folely in favour
of her Majefty the Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and of her
heirs and fucceffors, to his pretended rights upon the ftate of
Milan ; which rights, though never admitted on the part of the
Queen, he had referved to himfclf, by the provifional conven-
tion, the liberty of availing himfelf of. And befides, his Majefty
the King of Sardinia engages himfelf formally and fpecially to
the guaranty of the order of lucceffion eftablifhed in the faid
moft ferene houfe, by the Pragmatick Sanction, in the fame
manner as it is fet forth in the treaty of pacification and alliance
made at Vienna the i6th of March 1731, excepting however, that
his faid Majefty fhall never be obliged to fend fuccours out of
Article IV. For this purpofe his Majefty the King of Sardinia,
who has already joined his troops to thofe of the Queen of Hun-
gary, and who has already confiderably augmented them, fhall
continue to concert and execute, jointly with her and her gener-
als, all the meafures and operations which fhall be judged the
moft effectual for keeping off and repelling the invafion now
made, or to be hereafter made, againft the dominions of the faid
Queen, and for fecuring them from all danger, prefent and
future, as much as poffible.
Article V. In order to attain this end, and as long as the
prefent war fhall laft, her Majefty the Queen of Hungary
engages not only to keep in Italy the number of troops which
fhe has there now, but to augment them to the number of
30,000 effective men, as foon as the fituation of affairs in Ger-
many will permit it. And his Majefty the King of Sardinia
engages to keep and employ the number of 40,000 foot, and
5000 horfe, comprehending in it what will be neceffary for the
garrifons, and defence of his own.
Article VI. His Majefty the King of Sardinia fhall have the
fupreme command of the allied army, when he fhall be there in

perfon, and he fhall regulate the military motions and opera-
tions of it, in concert with her Majefty the Queen of Hungary,
according as the common intereft and occafion fhall require.
Article VII. As long as it fhall be neceffary towards favouring
and feconding thofe operations, and as long as the danger of the
allies, and of Italy, fhall demand it, his Majefty the King of
Great-Britain engages to keep in the Mediterranean Sea a ftrong
fquadron of fhips of war, and bomb veffels, and fire-fhips, the
admiral and commanders whereof fhall have orders to concert
conftantly and regularly with his Majefty the King of Sardinia,
or with his generals, and with thofe of her Majefty the Queen of
Hungary, who fhall be neareft at hand, the moft proper mea-
fures for the fervice of the common caufe.
Article VIII. Moreover, and in order to affift in bearing the
extraordinary expence which his Majefty the King of Sardinia is
and will be obliged to fupport, for raifing, and caufing to act, a
much greater number of troops than his own revenues can
maintain, his Majefty the King of Great-Britain engages to
furnifh to him, for as long as the war, and the occafion for it
fhall continue, a fubfidy of two hundred thoufand pounds fter-
ling per annum, to be paid every three months, and to com-
mence from the 1ft of February, 1742, New Style, being the day
upon which the provifional convention was figned between the
faid King and her Majefty the Queen of Hungary ; and the faid
Subfidy fhall be punctually paid from three months to three
months in advance ; provided however, that what fhall have
been advanced to his Majefty the King of Sardinia, before the
fignature of the prefent treaty, fhall be reckoned into it.
Article IX. In confideration of the zeal, and generofity, with
which his Sardinian Majefty has been willing to expofe his per-
fon, and his dominions, for the publick caufe, and for that of
her Majefty the Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and of the
moft Serene houle of Auftria in particular, and of the effectual
fuccours, which the faid caufe has already received from him ; in
confideration alfo of the burthenfome engagements of affif-
tance, and of the perpetual tye of guaranty, which he contracts
with her, by the prefent alliance, her faid Majefty the Queen of
Hungary and Bohemia, for herfelf, her heirs and fucceffors,
yields, and transfers, from this prefent time and for ever, to his
faid Majefty the King of Sardinia, his heirs and fucceffors, to be
united to his other dominions, the diftrict of Vigevano, called
the Vigevenafco, the part of the duchy of Pavia, which is
between the Po and the Thefin, fo that the Thefin fhall for the
future, by the middle of its ftream, form the reparation and
limit between the refpective dominions, from the Lago Mag-
giore, or greater lake, to the place where it falls into the Po,
excepting only the ifland formed by the canal over-againft the
city of Pavia, which ifland fhall be referved to her Majefty the
Queen, upon thefe conditions, that the King fhall have never-
thelefs the free communication of the river Thefin for the
paffage of barks, without their being either ftopt, vifited, or fub-
jected to the payment of any duty, and that the faid canal fhall
never be filled up, and fhall ferve in this place for a limit. More-
over, that other part of the duchy of Pavia, called the Pavefe,
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