International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Quadruple Alliance of 1834

his power, to compel the Infant Don Carlos to withdraw from
the Portuguese Dominions.
II. Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain during the
minority of her Daughter Donna Isabella the Second, Queen of
Spain, being hereby requested and invited thereto by His Impe-
rial Majesty the Duke of Braganza, Regent in the name of the
Queen Donna Maria the Second; and having moreover received
just and grave cause of complaint against the Infant Don
Miguel, by the countenance and support given by him to the
Pretender to the Spanish Crown, engages to cause such a body
of Spanish Troops as may hereafter be agreed upon between the
two Parties, to enter the Portuguese Territory, in order to co-
operate with the Troops of Her Most Faithful Majesty, for the
purpose of compelling the Infants Don Carlos of Spain, and
Don Miguel of Portugal, to withdraw from the Portuguese
Dominions. And Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain fur-
ther engages that these Troops shall be maintained at the
expense of Spain, and without any charge to Portugal; the said
Spanish Troops being nevertheless received and treated, in all
other respects, in the same manner as the Troops of Her Most
Faithful Majesty ; and Her Majesty the Queen Regent engages
that Her Troops shall withdraw from the Portuguese Territory,
as soon as the above-mentioned object of the expulsion of the
Infants shall have been accomplished, and when the presence of
those Troops in Portugal shall no longer be required by His
Imperial Majesty the Duke Regent in the name of the Queen
Donna Maria the Second.
III. His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland engages to co-operate, by the employment
of a Naval Force, in aid of the operations to be undertaken, in
conformity with the engagements of this Treaty, by the Troops
of Spain and Portugal.
IV. If the co-operation of France should be deemed neces-
sary by the High Contracting Parties, for the complete attain-
ment of the object of this Treaty, His Majesty the King of the
French engages to do, in this respect, whatever might be settled
by common consent between himself and his 3 August Allies.
V. It is agreed between the High Contracting Parties, that in
pursuance of the Stipulations contained in the foregoing Arti-
cles, a Declaration shall be immediately issued, announcing to
the Portuguese Nation the principles and object of the engage-
ments of this Treaty. And His Imperial Majesty the Duke Regent
in the name of the Queen Donna Maria the Second, animated
by a sincere desire to obliterate all remembrance of the past, and
to unite around the Throne of Her Most Faithful Majesty the
whole of that Nation over which the will of Divine Providence
has called Her to Reign, declares his intention to proclaim, at the
same time, a complete and general Amnesty in favour of all such
of the Subjects of Her Most Faithful Majesty as shall, within a
time to be specified, return to their Allegiance; and His Imperial
Majesty the Duke Regent in the name of the Queen Donna
Maria the Second, also declares his intention to secure to the
Infant Don Miguel, on his retiring from the Spanish and Por-
tuguese Dominions, a provision suitable to his birth and rank.

VI. Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain during the
minority of Her Daughter Donna Isabella the Second, Queen of
Spain, hereby declares her intention to secure to the Infant Don
Carlos, on his retiring from the Spanish and Portuguese
Dominions, a provision suitable to his birth and rank.
VII. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the Ratifications
shall be exchanged at London in one month from this date, or
sooner if possible.
In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have
signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their
Done at London, the 22nd day of April, in the year of our
Lord 1834.


Additional Articles. Signed at London, 18th
August, 1834.
His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland ; Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain during
the minority of her Daughter Donna Isabella the Second,
Queen of Spain ; His Majesty the King of the French; and His
Imperial Majesty the Duke of Braganza, Regent of the King-
dom of Portugal and the Algarves in the name of the Queen
Donna Maria the Second, the High Contracting Parties to the
Treaty of the 22nd April, 1834 ;–having taken into their serious
consideration the recent events which have occurred in the
Peninsula, and being deeply impressed with the conviction
that, in this new state of things, new measures have become
necessary for the complete attainment of the objects which it
was the purpose of the said Treaty to accomplish; the Under-
signed, Henry John Viscount Palmerston, Baron Temple, His
Britannic Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs, &c., &c., &c.; Don Manuel Pando, Fernandez de
Pinedo, Alava, y Davila, Marquis of Miraflores, Her Catholic
Majesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary
to His Britannic Majesty, &c., &c., &c.; Charles Maurice de Tal-
leyrand-Perigord, Prince-Duke de Talleyrand, Ambassador
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from His Majesty
the King of the French to His Britannic Majesty, &c., &c., &c.;
and Christopher Peter de Moraes Sarmento, Her Most Faithful
Majesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary
to His Britannic Majesty, &c., &c., &c., being furnished with
the authority of their respective Governments, have agreed
upon the following Additional Articles to the Treaty of the
22nd April, 1834:
ART. I. His Majesty the King of the French engages to take
such measures in those parts of his Dominions which adjoin to
Spain, as shall be best calculated to prevent any succours of
men, arms, or warlike stores, from being sent from the French
Territory to the Insurgents in Spain.
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