International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Treaty of Alliance among Austria, France, and Great Britain (Treaty of Vienna)

the States of Europe, and that, specifically, the Evacuation of the
Danubian Principalities is one of the essential conditions of the
Integrity of that Empire ; being, moreover, ready to join, with
the means at his disposal, in the measures proper to ensure the
object of the Agreement established between his Cabinet and
the High Courts represented at the Conference of Vienna.
His Imperial Majesty the Sultan having on his side accepted
this offer of Concert made in a friendly manner by His Majesty
the Emperor of Austria ;
It has seemed proper to conclude a Convention, in order to
regulate the manner in which the Concert in question shall be
carried into effect.
With this object His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Aus-
tria and His Imperial Majesty the Sultan have named as their
Plenipotentiaries, that is to say :
His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, M. le Baron Charles de
Bruck, his Internuncio and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Sub-
lime Ottoman Porte, &c. ;
And His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, Mustapha Reshid
Pasha, late Grand Vizier, and at present his Minister for Foreign
Affairs, &c.;
Who after having exchanged their Full Powers, found to be
in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles :

Means to be adopted for Evacuation of Danubian Princi-

ART. I. His Majesty the Emperor of Austria engages to exhaust
all the means of negotiation and all other means to obtain the
Evacuation of the Danubian Principalities by the Foreign Army
which occupies them, and even to employ, in case they are
required, the number of Troops necessary to attain this end.

Command of Austrian Army.

ART. II. It will appertain in this case exclusively to the Imperial
Commander-in-Chief to direct the operations of his Army. He
will, however, always take care to inform the Commander-in-
Chief of the Ottoman Army of his operations in proper time.

Administration of Danubian Principalities.

ART. III. His Majesty the Emperor of Austria undertakes by
common Agreement with the Ottoman Government to re-
establish in the Principalities, as far as possible, the legal state of
things such as it results from the Privileges secured by the Sub-
lime Porte in regard to the Administration of those Countries.
The local authorities thus reconstituted shall not, however,
extend their action so far as to attempt to exercise control over
the Imperial Army.

Sovereign Rights and Integrity of Ottoman Empire.

ART. IV. The Imperial Court of Austria further engages not to
enter into any plan of accommodation with the Imperial Court
of Russia which has not for its Basis the Sovereign Rights of His
Majesty the Sultan, as well as the Integrity of his Empire.

Withdrawal of Austrian Troops from Principalities on
conclusion of Peace with Russia.
ART. V. As soon as the object of the present Convention shall
have been obtained by the conclusion of a Treaty of Peace
between the Sublime Porte and the Court of Russia, His Majesty
the Emperor of Austria will immediately make arrangements
for withdrawing his Forces with the least possible delay from
the Territory of the Principalities. The details respecting the
retreat of the Austrian Troops shall form the object of a special
understanding with the Sublime Porte.

Assistance to Austrian Troops from Ottoman Authorities.
ART. VI. The Austrian Government expects that the Authorities
of the Countries temporarily occupied by the Imperial Troops
will afford them every assistance and facility, as well for their
march, their lodging or encampment, as for their subsistence
and that of their horses, and for their communications. The
Austrian Government likewise expects that every demand relat-
ing to the requirements of the service shall be complied with,
which shall be addressed by the Austrian Commanders, either
to the Ottoman Government through the Imperial Internunci-
ate at Constantinople, or directly to the Local Authorities,
unless more weighty reasons render the execution of them

Maintenance of Order by Commanders of Austrian Army.
It is understood that the Commanders of the Imperial Army
will provide for the maintenance of the strictest discipline
among their Troops, and will respect, and cause to be respected,
the Properties as well as the Laws, the Religion, and the Cus-
toms of the Principalities.

ART. VII. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the Rat-
ifications shall be exchanged at Vienna in the space of 4 weeks,
or earlier if possible, dating from the day of its signature.
In faith of which the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed
it and set their Seals to it.
Done in duplicate, for one and the same effect, at Boyadji-
Keuy, the 14th June, 1854.
(L.S.) V. BRUCK.

3.1162 Treaty of Alliance among Austria,

France, and Great Britain (Treaty of Vienna)

Alliance Members:Austria-Hungary, France, and Great Britain
Signed On:December 2, 1854, in the city of Vienna. In force until
March 30, 1856, with the signing of the peace treaty ending the
Crimean War.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)
Source:The Map of Europe by Treaty,p. 1221.
Additional Citations:British Foreign and State Papers,vol. 44, p. 90;
Key Treaties for the Great Powers, 1814–1914,vol. 1, p. 308.
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