International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Treaty of Alliance among the Argentine Confederation, Brazil, and Uruguay

contract, or under any form or pretext whatever, the terri-
tory which now belongs to it.
III. The Empire of Brazil and the Argentine Confederation,
seceding to the wishes of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay,
agree that it should request France, England, and some other
Power, to strengthen with their guarantees the stipulations con-
tained in the preceding Article.
IV. The Empire of Brazil and the Argentine Confederation,
renewing and strengthening the obligation contracted by the
Convention of Peace of 27th August, 1828, and by subsequent
agreements, consider and declare themselves perpetually
obliged to defend the independence and integrity of the Orien-
tal Republic of the Uruguay.
V. And in order to fix the extent of the preceding Article, the
High Contracting Parties declare that :
The independence of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay
is to be considered as attacked :

  1. In the case of declared conquest.

  2. If any foreign nation, either by itself or in alliance with, or
    rendering aid to an internal revolution, should attempt to
    change the form of its government.

  3. If any foreign nation, either by itself or in alliance with, or
    rendering aid to an internal revolution, should attempt to
    impose the person or persons who are to govern the
    And the integrity of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay is
    to be considered as attacked :

  4. By the occupation of the whole or any part of the territory
    of that Republic by any other nation, with the object of
    possessing it as its own property, or to unite it to its other
    possessions, whatever may be the ground alleged for that

  5. By the separation of any portion of its territory for the cre-
    ation therein of independent governments, repudiating
    the sovereign and legitimate national authority.
    VI. The ways and means by which the Empire of Brazil and
    the Argentine Confederation will fulfil the obligation of defend-
    ing the independence and integrity of the Oriental Republic of
    the Uruguay will be stipulated by a special agreement in each
    case as it occurs.
    VII. In case of any serious misunderstandings happening,
    which God forbid, amongst the High Contracting Parties,
    recourse is to be had, in so far as circumstances permit, to the
    good offices of a friendly nation.
    VIII. Acknowledging that, for the complete execution of the
    intention of the Convention of 1828, as defined in Article I of
    this Treaty, it is indispensable that the Oriental Republic of the
    Uruguay should form a state absolutely and perpetually neuter
    between its neighbours, the three High Contracting Powers
    have agreed and adjusted as follows :
    The Oriental Republic of the Uruguay is declared and guar-
    anteed as a State absolutely and perpetually neuter between the
    Empire of Brazil and the Argentine Confederation.
    IX. The neutrality of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay,

declared and guaranteed by the preceding Article, is understood
and shall be achieved as follows :

  1. The Oriental Republic of the Uruguay shall not contract a
    political alliance with the Empire of Brazil, with the
    Argentine Confederation, or with anyone or more other
    States against any of the Powers signatory to the present
    Treaty, nor shall it enter into Conventions by which it
    might contract the obligation of furnishing against any of
    them, in case of war, aid of men, money, materials or arti-
    cles of warfare.

  2. The said Republic shall observe and shall cause its citizens
    and inhabitants to observe, under heavy and effectual
    penalties, the most strict neutrality in any misunder-
    standing happening, which God forbid, between the
    Empire of Brazil and the Argentine Confederation.

  3. In case of war between the said two Powers, they will con-
    sider the territory of the neutral Republic as inviolably
    closed against their belligerent forces, and those of their
    allies and auxiliaries.
    X. Brazil and the Argentine Confederation confirm the stip-
    ulation of Article II of the Treaty of 7th March, 1856 ; and, in
    conformity with the same principle, the Oriental Republic of
    the Uruguay engages not to support, directly or indirectly, the
    segregation of any portion of the territories of Brazil and of the
    Argentine Confederation, nor the creation therein of independ-
    ent Governments in repudiation of the respective Sovereign and
    legitimate authority.
    XI. Each of the 3 High Contracting Parties also binds itself
    not to allow in its territory the organisation and auxiliation of
    revolutions and conspiracies against any of the others and their
    Governments, adopting effectual means for this purpose ; above
    all, for placing those who take refuge in its territory in a posi-
    tion entirely inoffensive (without, however, failing in those
    duties which humanity, the liberality of its institutions, and its
    own dignity, impose on it), disarming them if they should be
    armed, and delivering the arms, the horses, and any objects
    adapted for warfare, to the other Governments.
    XII. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications
    exchanged in the city of Parana, in as short a time as possible.
    In witness whereof we, the Undersigned, Plenipotentiaries of
    His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil and of the Presidents of the
    Argentine Confederation and the Oriental Republic of the
    Uruguay, in virtue of our respective full powers, have signed the
    present Treaty with our own hands, and have caused our seals to
    be affixed to it.
    Done in this city of Rio de Janeiro, on the 2nd day of the
    month of January, in the year from the birth of our Lord Jesus
    Christ, 1859

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