International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Treaty of Offensive and Defensive Alliance between Peru and Chile

may meet, in the waters of the Pacific, whether blockading, as at
present is the case, the ports of one of the Republics before
mentioned, or of both of them as it may happen, or else making
war in any other way against Peru or Chile.
III. The naval forces of the two Republics, whether they act
in combination or separately, shall, so long as the present war
provoked by the Spanish Government shall last, obey the Gov-
ernment of that Republic in whose waters the said naval forces
shall be.
The officer of the highest rank, or in case there should be
many of the same rank the senior of them, who shall be in com-
mand of either of the combined squadrons, shall take the com-
mand of them; provided always that the said squadrons are act-
ing in combination.
Nevertheless the Governments of both the Republics may, by
mutual agreement, confer the command of the squadrons,
when they act in combination, on the officer, native or for-
eigner, whom they consider most competent.
IV. That one of the Contracting Republics in whose waters
the combined naval forces may be, in consequence of the pres-
ent war with the Spanish Government, shall pay the expenses of
all kinds required for the maintenance of the squadron, or of
one or more of the ships thereof ; but at the close of the war
both Republics shall name two Commissioners, one for each
party, who shall make a definitive liquidation of the expenses
incurred and duly proved, and shall charge to each of them the
half of the total amount of those expenses.
In the liquidation, those partial expenses shall be taken into
account which each one of the Republics may have incurred in
the maintenance of the squadron, or of one or more of the ships
thereof, in order that they may be set off.
V. Both Contracting Parties bind themselves to invite the
other American nations to give their adhesion to the present
VI. The present Treaty shall be ratified by the Governments
of both Republics, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in
Lima in the space of 40 days, or sooner if possible.
In testimony whereof the Plenipotentiaries of both
Republics sign and seal the present Treaty.
Dated in Lima, the 5th day of December, 1865.

Wherefore the present Treaty having been approved by Decree
of this date, I do ratify the same, holding it as a law of the State,
and binding the national honour to the observance thereof.
In testimony whereof, I sign the present ratifications, sealed
with the arms of the Republic, and countersigned by the Secre-
tary of State for Foreign Affairs, in Lima, the 12th January, 1866.
T. PACHECO, Secretary for Foreign Affairs

IN the city of Quito, capital of the Republic of the Equator, on
the 30th day of the month of January, in the year of our Lord
1866, assembled upon the invitation of his Excellency Señor
Doctor Manuel Bustamante, Minister of Foreign Affairs of this
Republic, in his public office, his Excellency Don Luis
Quiñones, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary
of Peru, and the Honourable Don José Nicolas Hurtàdo, Chargé
d’Affaires of Chile, with the important object of effecting the
union and alliance of their respective Governments in the war
with Spain.
His Excellency Señor Bustamante, furnished with full
authority and sufficient instructions, declared as follows;
That the Government and people of the Equator considered
the Chilean cause to be eminently American; that community
of interests did not permit that Chile should find itself in the
contest without the support of its sisters, the other Republics of
the Continent; that considering the unjust aggression of Spain
against Chile, a threat against the honour, dignity, and rights of
that republic and others of South America, it becomes the duty
of all of them to unite their forces and resources to defend its
sovereignty and political independence.
And finally, he proclaimed in the name of his Government
and the Equatorian people, the union and alliance of the
Republics of the Equator, Peru, and Chile.
Corresponding to the noble, patriotic, and American senti-
ments of his Excellency the Minister Bustamante, his Excellency
the Minister of Peru and the Honourable Chargé d’Affaires of
Chile expressed theirs in the same sense.
In consequence of all which is thus set forth, their Excellen-
cies the Ministers and the Honourable Chargé d’Affaires agreed
definitively that, from this date, the Republic of the Equator
form an offensive and defensive alliance with the Governments
of Chile and Peru, and forthwith make common cause with
those Republics in the war which they are at present engaged in
against Spain.
Finally, they agreed to give to this Protocol a permanent and
definitive character, in order that its effects might at once be
In faith whereof the Ministers signed and sealed, with their
respective seals, three copies of the same tenor, and with one
sole object, in presence of the undersigned Chief Assistant in
the Office of Foreign Relations, the Secretary of Legation of
Peru, and the Attaché to the Legation of Chile.
JUAN LEON MERA, Chief Assistant of the Office of
Foreign Affair
JOSE MANUEL SUAREZ, Secretary of Legation of
EUSEBIO LARRAIN, Attaché to the Legation of
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