International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Alliance between Prussia and Baden

Alliance Text

His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Baden, and His Majesty
the King of Prussia, actuated by the desire of securing to their
subjects the blessings of Peace, have determined to come to an
agreement as to the clauses of a Treaty of Peace to be concluded
between them, and, for this purpose, have appointed as
Plenipotentiaries :
The Grand Duke of Baden, his President of the Department
of the Household and of Foreign Affairs, Rudolf von Freydorf,
&c. ;
The King of Prussia, his President of the Council and Minis-
ter for Foreign Affairs, Count Otto von Bismarck-Schönhauser,
These Plenipotentiaries having exchanged their Full Powers,
and found them in good order, have agreed upon the following
clauses :

Peace and Friendship.

ART. I. Peace and friendship shall henceforth subsist between
His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Baden, and His Majesty
the King of Prussia, their Heirs and Successors, their States and
subjects for ever.

Indemnity to Prussia towards Expenses of the War.

ART. II. His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Baden engages
to pay to His Majesty the King of Prussia the sum of 6,000,000
florins within two months, towards covering part of the costs
incurred by Prussia in the War.
By payment of this sum, the Grand Duke of Baden relieves
himself of the compensation obligations undertaken by him in
§ 7 of the Armistice Convention signed at Würzburg, 1st
August, 1866.

Guarantee of Payment.

ART. III. As a pledge for the payment of this sum the Grand
Duke of Baden will deposit Baden State Bonds, or furnish the
Guarantee of the administration of the Discount Company

Discount on earlier Payment of Indemnity.

ART. IV. His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Baden retains
the right of paying the above-mentioned sum in part, or wholly,
at an earlier date, at a discount of 5 per cent. per annum.

Withdrawal of Prussian Troops from Baden.

ART. V. Immediately after the Guarantee is given, in accordance
with Article III, or after the payment of the War Contribution
has been made, the King of Prussia will withdraw his Troops
from Baden territory.

Provisioning of Troops.

The Provisioning of the Troops during their withdrawal shall be
according to the hitherto existing scale of the Confederation.

Property belonging to former Germanic Confederation.
ART. VI. The Apportionment of Federal property belonging to
the former Germanic Confederation is reserved for a Special

Renewal of Zollverein Treaties.
ART. VII. The High Contracting Parties will enter into negotia-
tions for the settlement of the Zollverein relations immediately
after the conclusion of the Peace. In the meantime the Zol-
lverein Union Treaty of 16th May, 1865, and the Conventions
connected therewith, which have been rendered inoperative by
the outbreak of the War, shall again come into operation from
the day the Ratifications of this present Treaty are exchanged,
with the understanding that it remains reserved to either of the
High Contracting Parties to allow them to lapse after a notifica-
tion of 6 months.

Appointment of a Commission to regulate Railway Traffic.
ART. VIII. Immediately after the restoration of Peace in Ger-
many, the High Contracting Parties will cause a meeting of
Commissioners to agree upon rules for the furtherance of pas-
senger and goods traffic upon the Railways as much as possible,
especially to regulate the relations of competition in a suitable
manner, and to oppose the efforts of individual companies dis-
advantageous to the public interests of traffic.

Establishment of New Railway Communication.
Since the High Contracting Parties are agreed that the establish-
ment of every new railway line conducive to the public advan-
tage is to be permitted and supported as fully as possible, they
will also have the principles demanded by the general interests
in this respect laid down by the aforesaid Commissioners.

Abolition of Navigation Dues on the Rhine.
ART. IX. The High Contracting Parties will from 1st January,
1867, entirely abolish the levying of navigation dues on the
Rhine, both in respect to the ship dues—Tariff B of the Conven-
tion of 31st March, 1831—and also to duties on Lading—Addi-
tional Articles XVI and XVII of the Convention of 31st March,
1831, in so far as the remaining Rhine States simultaneously
adopt the same measures.

Accession of Baden to Preliminary Treaty of 26th July,
ART. X. His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Baden recog-
nizes the arrangements made by the Preliminary Treaty con-
cluded between Prussia and Austria, at Nikolsburg, on the 26th
July, 1866, and accedes thereto upon his part also, so far as they
affect the future of Germany.

ART. XI. The Ratification of this present Treaty shall take place
at latest by the 21st August this year.
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