International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Triple Alliance

The three Powers agree in regarding the eventuality of an occu-
pation either of Eastern Rumelia or of the Balkans as full of per-
ils for the general peace. In case this should occur, they will
employ their efforts to dissuade the Porte from such an enter-
prise, it being well understood that Bulgaria and Eastern
Rumelia on their part are to abstain from provoking the Porte
by attacks emanating from their territories against the other
provinces of the Ottoman Empire.


The three Powers will not oppose the eventual reunion of Bul-
garia and Eastern Rumelia within the territorial limits assigned
to them by the Treaty of Berlin, if this question should come up
by the force of circumstances. They agree to dissuade the Bul-
garians from all aggression against the neighboring provinces,
particularly Macedonia; and to inform them that in such a case
they will be acting at their own risk and peril.


In order to avoid collisions of interests in the local questions
which may arise, the three Courts will furnish their representa-
tives and agents in the Orient with a general instruction, direct-
ing them to endeavor to smooth out their divergences by
friendly explanations between themselves in each special case;
and, in the cases where they do not succeed in doing so, to refer
the matters to their Governments.

The present Protocol forms an integral part of the secret Treaty
signed on this day at Berlin and shall have the same force and
In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have
signed it and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.
Done at Berlin, June 18, 1881.
L.S. Széchényi.
L.S. v. Bismarck.
L.S. Sabouroff.

Additional Protocol to the Convention of
June 18, 1881. Berlin,

June 27, 1881.

In order to define still more precisely Paragraph 5 of the Proto-
col annexed to the secret Treaty of June 18, 1881, the under-
signed Plenipotentiaries of His Majesty the Emperor of Austria,
King of Hungary, and of His Majesty the Emperor of All the
Russias declare that the ‘local questions’ mentioned in the said
paragraph do not compromise affairs specially and exclusively
interesting either Austria-Hungary or Russia, such at the pro-
tection of the respective nationals, commercial questions,
claims, rights derived from treaties, etc.
It is understood that friendly coöperation, without being
obligatory, may also be asked and accorded reciprocally by the

agents of the two States in questions which do not fall under
Paragraph 5 of the Protocol.
Berlin, June 27, 1881.

Procès-verbal of the exchange of ratifications
of the Convention of June 18, 1881. Berlin, June
27, 1881.

On June 27, 1881, the undersigned met together at the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs at Berlin for the purpose of proceeding with
the exchange of ratifications of the secret Treaty and of the Pro-
tocol thereto annexed, signed at Berlin, June 18, 1881, by the
Plenipotentiaries of His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King
of Bohemia, and Apostolic King of Hungary, of His Majesty the
Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia, and of His Majesty the
Emperor of All the Russias. The six instruments having been
produced, the undersigned have found the following errata:
I. In the German copy intended for Russia, the alternat has
not been observed.

  1. In the Austrian copy intended for Germany, the word
    “between” has been omitted at the end of the first line of
    the second paragraph of Article I of the Treaty.

  2. In the German copy intended for Russia, the word “diver-
    gence” in Article V of the Protocol is written

  3. In the Austrian copy intended for Russia, in the second
    line of the preamble of the Treaty, the word “animated” is
    written in the masculine.
    In other respects, the undersigned after examination have
    found the instruments in good and due form and have effected
    the exchange.
    In witness whereof the undersigned have drawn up the pres-
    ent Procès-verbal and have affixed their signatures and the seal
    of their arms.
    Done at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Berlin, June 27,

  4. L.S. Széchényi.
    L.S. Busch.
    L.S. Sabouroff.

3.1195 Triple Alliance

Alliance Members:Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Signed On:May 20, 1882, in the city of Vienna. In force until May 3,
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)
Source:The Secret Treaties of Austria-Hungary 1879–1914,vol. 1, p. 65.
Additional Citations:Key Treaties for the Great Powers, 1814–1914,
vol. 2, p. 611.
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