International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Convention Respecting Morocco between France and Spain

ports of the region determined below the delegate of the Repre-
sentative General of the Bondholders of the Moroccan loan of
the 12th July, 1904 should be of Spanish nationality.
Starting from the point where the Moulouia enters the
Mediterranean Sea, the abovementioned dividing line will run
upstream along the Thalweg of this river as far as the line of the
ridge of heights nearest to the left bank of the Wadi Defla. From
this point, without under any circumstances being allowed to
intersect the course of the Moulouia, the demarcation line shall
proceed as directly as possible to the watershed separating the
basins of the Moulouia and the Wadi Inaouen from that of the
Wadi Kert. Then it will run on westwards along the watershed
separating the basins of the Wadi Inaouen and the Wadi Sebou
from those of the Wadi Kert and the Wadi Ouergha to reach the
Jebel Moulai Bou Chta by the most northern ridge. Then it will
head north remaining at a distance of at least twenty-five kilo-
metres to the east of the road from Fez to Kear-el-Kebir by way
of Ouezzan as far as the meeting place with the Wadi Loukkos
or Wadi el Kous, the Thalweg of which it will descend for five
kilometres downstream from the meeting of this river with the
abovementioned road from Fear-el-Kebir by way of Ouezzan.
From this point it will reach shore of the Atlantic Ocean as
directly as possible above the lagoon of Ez Zerga.
This delimitation is in conformity with the delimitation
marked out on the map attached to the present Convention
designated No. 1.
Art. III. In the case where the political state of Morocco and
the Sherifean Government would be able to remain in existence
no longer, or if, through the weakness of this government and
through its persistent inability to guarantee safety and public
order, or for any other reason to establish mutual agreement,
the maintenance of the status quo should become impossible,
Spain would be able to act freely in the region delimited in the
previous Article, which from now on constitutes her sphere of
Art. IV. The Moroccan Government having, by Article VII of
the treaty of 26th April, 186o, conceded to Spain a colony at
Santa Cruz de mar Pequeñna (Ifni), it is agreed that the terri-
tory of this colony shall not go beyond the course of the Wadi
Tazeroualt from its source up to its confluence with the Wadi
Mesa and the course of the Wadi Mesa from this confluence as
far as the sea, in accordance with the map attached to the pres-
ent Convention.
Art. V. To complete the delimitation laid down by Article I
of the Convention of 27th June, 1900, it is agreed that the
demarcation between the French and Spanish spheres of
influence will begin from the intersection of the meridian 14 ̊
20' West of Paris and the line of 26 ̊ of latitude North, which it
will follow eastwards as far as the meeting point with merid-
ian 11 ̊ West of Paris. It will go up this meridian as far as the
place where it reaches the Wadi Draa, then along the Thalweg
of the Wadi Draa until it meets meridian 10 ̊ West of Paris,
finally keeping to meridian 10 ̊ West of Paris as far as the
watershed between the basins of the Wadi Draa and the Wadi

Sous, and will follow the watershed between the basins of the
Wadi Draa and the Wadi Sous in a westerly direction, after-
wards going between coastal basins of the Wadi Messa and the
Wadi Noun as far as the point nearest to the source of the
Wadi Tazeroualt.
This delimitation is in conformity with the delimitation
marked out on Map No 2 already cited and attached to the pres-
ent Convention.
Art. VI. Articles IV and V will be applicable at the same time
as Article II of the present Convention.
However, the Government of the French Republic allows
that Spain can establish herself at any time within the area
defined by Article IV, on the condition of being in agreement
beforehand with the Sultan.
In the same way, the Government of the French Republic
accords from now on to the Spanish Government full liberty
of action in the region contained between 26 ̊ and 27 ̊ 40'
North and meridian 11 ̊ West of Paris which are outside
Moroccan territory.
Art. VII. Spain undertakes not to alienate or cede in any way
whatsoever, even by way of temporary title, all or part of the ter-
ritories designated in Articles II, IV and V of the present Con-
Art. VIII. If, in the application of Articles II, IV, and V of the
present Convention one of the two contracting parties has a
military operation forced upon it, it shall notify the other of it
at once. In no case will it call upon a foreign power for assis-
Art. IX. The town of Tangiers shall retain the special charac-
ter given it by the presence of the diplomatic corps and its
municipal and sanitary institutions.
Art. X. As long as the existing political condition shall
endure, public works enterprizes, railways, roads, canals leaving
from a point in Morocco and leading into the region specified
in Article II and vice versa, will be carried out by the companies
which the French and Spanish shall be able to set up.
In the same way, it shall be permissible for the French and
the Spanish in Morocco to join together for the exploitation of
mines, quarries and economic enterprizes generally.
Art. XI. The Spanish schools and institutions acting existing
in Morocco shall be respected. The circulation of Spanish
money will be neither prevented nor hindered. Spaniards will
continue to enjoy in Morocco the rights secured them by the
Treaties, Conventions and usages in force, including the right of
navigation and fishing in Moroccan waters and ports.
Art. XII. The French shall enjoy, in the regions designated in
Articles II, IV, and V of the present Convention, the same rights
recognised for the Spaniards in the remainder of Morocco by
the preceding Article.
Art. XIII. In the case where the Moroccan Government
should forbid the sale of arms and ammunition in its territory,
the two contracting Powers undertake to introduce in their
African possessions the measures necessary to prevent them
being brought into Morocco as contraband.
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