International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Convention of Alliance between the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes and the Czechoslovak Republic

the Bolshevik Revolution.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)

Source:Martens,vol. 10, p. 342.
Additional Citations:Consolidated Treaty Series,vol. 221, p. 412.


Though an ally of Austria-Hungary, Romania refused to enter the war
on the side of its ally, arguing that Austria-Hungary had started the
conflict, and thus the defensive alliance was not applicable. Romania
sat out the conflict for two years, demanding from the Allies a guaran-
tee over the rights to Transylvania, which contained a large Romanian
population but was controlled by Hungary. With this alliance, the
Entente powers capitulated to Romania’s demands so that their new
alliance partner could aid Russia in the conflict. However, some histo-
rians suggest that the Entente powers had agreed not to honor this
commitment after the end of the war.

Description of Terms

The allies guarantee Romania’s territorial integrity. Romania
will attack Austria-Hungary and stop trade with the enemy of
the allies. The allies concede that Romania will annex territories
from Austria-Hungary. The allies will not make peace individu-
ally. Romania will have the same rights as the other allies in the
convention for peace. This treaty is secret. Russia will make vig-
orous attacks on its Austrian front to help the Romanian effort.
The Russian fleet will protect the Romanian coast. The allies
will send military matériel to Romania. Russia and Romania
will remain in control of their troops. The money, prisoners,
etc., that is obtained during the war will belong to the army that
conquered it, in common combat it will be proportionally sepa-
rated according to the number of soldiers involved in the con-
flict. The convention ends when the peace is signed.

4.1228 Convention of Alliance between the

Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes

and the Czechoslovak Republic

Alliance Members:Serbia and Czechoslovak Republic
Signed On:August 14, 1920, in the city of Belgrade (Serbia). In force
until July 1, 1930, when King Alexander assumed the throne of Serbia
(Yugoslavia) and attempted an alignment with Mussolini’s Italy.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)

Source:League of Nations Treaty Series,vol. 6, p. 211.


The main focus of the convention was to preclude a Hapsburg restora-
tion and thereby eliminate the threat of an ambitious Hungary. Fol-
lowing the Polish-Soviet war, the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and
Slovenes and the Czechoslovak Republic opposed the growing Hun-
garian influence in the region. Hungary, maintaining its immense
force, tried to forcefully separate Slovakia from the Czechoslovak
Republic. France tried to counter Hungarian intentions by suggesting
a Balkan alliance in which it would be a silent partner, but this defen-
sive alliance provided more guarantees against an immediate threat.

The treaty assured mutual assistance from both parties in the event of
attack by Hungary, and both states had to pledge to avoid all third-
party arrangements outside the terms of the alliance. The agreement
ended in 1931 when King Alexander came to rule the Kingdom of the
Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, created a monarchy, and renamed the new
kingdom Yugoslavia. A repressive ruler, King Alexander attempted to
align with Mussolini’s Italy, thus breaking with the spirit of this treaty
as Italy had previously aligned with Hungary.

Alliance Text
Firmly resolved to maintain the Peace obtained by so many sac-
rifices, and provided for by the Covenant of the League of
Nations, as well as the situation created by the treaty concluded
at Trianon on June 4, 1920, between the Allied and Associated
Powers on the one hand, and Hungary on the other, the Presi-
dent of the Czechoslovak Republic and His Majesty the King of
the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes have agreed to conclude a defen-
sive Convention.
For this purpose, they have nominated as their Plenipoten-
tiary Delegates:
For the President of the Czechoslovak Republic: M.
Edouard Benes, the Minister for Foreign Affairs;
For His Majesty the King of the Serbs, Croats and
Slovenes: M. Montchilo Nintchitch, Doctor of Law, Minister of
Commerce and Industry, and acting Minister for Foreign
Who, having exchanged their full powers and found them to
be in good and due form, have agreed as follows:
Article I. In case of an unprovoked attack on the part of
Hungary against one of the High Contracting Parties, the other
Party agrees to assist in the defence of the Party attacked, in the
manner laid down by the arrangement provided for in Article 2
of the present Convention.
Article 2. The competent Technical Authorities of the
Czecho-Slovak Republic and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats
and Slovenes shall decide, by mutual agreement, upon the pro-
visions necessary for the execution of the present Convention.
Article 3. Neither of the High Contracting Parties shall con-
clude an alliance with a third Power without preliminary notice
to the other.
Article 4. The present Convention shall be valid for two years
from the date of the exchange of ratifications. On the expiration
of this period, each of the Contracting Parties shall have the
option of denouncing the present Convention. It shall, however,
remain in force for six months after the date of denunciation.
Article 5. The present Convention shall be communicated to
the League of Nations (Covenant of the League of Nations).
Article 6. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the
ratifications shall be exchanged at Belgrade, as soon as possible.
In witness whereof, the Plenipotentiaries named have signed
and have affixed their seals thereto.
Done at Belgrade, in duplicate, August 14 1920.
(Signed) Mom. NINTCHITCH.
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