International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Convention of Alliance between the Kingdom of Romania and the Czechoslovak Republic

such questions of foreign policy as concern their relations with
their eastern neighbours.
Article 3. A military Convention shall determine the manner
in which either country shall render assistance to the other
should the occasion arise.
This Convention shall be subject to the same conditions as
the present Convention as regards duration and denunciation.
Article 4. If in spite of their efforts to maintain peace, the two
States are compelled to enter on a defensive war under the
terms of Article 1, each undertakes not to negotiate nor to con-
clude an armistice or a peace without the participation of the
other State.
Article 5. The duration of the present Convention shall be
five years from the date of its signature, but either Government
shall be at liberty to denounce it after two years on giving the
other State six months, notice.
Article 6. Neither of the High Contracting Parties shall be at
liberty to conclude an alliance with a third Power without hav-
ing previously obtained the assent of the other Party.
Alliances with a view to the maintenance of treaties already
signed jointly by both Poland and Roumania are excepted from
this provision.
Such alliances must, however, be notified.
The Polish Government hereby declares that it is acquainted
with the agreements entered into by Roumania with other
States with a view to upholding the Treaties of Trianon and
Neuilly, which agreements may be transformed into treaties of
The Roumanian Government hereby declares that it is
acquainted with the agreements entered into by Poland with the
French Republic.
Article 7. The present Convention shall be communicated to
the League of Nations in accordance with Treaty of Versailles.
Article 8. The present Convention shall be ratified and the
ratifications exchanged at Bucarest as soon as possible.
In witness whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed the
present Convention and have thereto set their seal.
Done at Bucarest in duplicate this third day of March 1921.
(L.S.) Take JONESCO.

4.1234 Convention of Alliance between the

Kingdom of Romania and the Czechoslovak


Alliance Members:Romania and Czechoslovakia
Signed On:April 23, 1921, in the city of Bucharest (Romania). In
force until June 27, 1930, when the alliance ended with the signing of
the Little Entente.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)

Source:League of Nations Treaty Series,vol. 6, p. 217.

This alliance was based on the three treaties that formed the Little
Entente. The Little Entente comprised the treaties between Czechoslo-
vakia and Yugoslavia (August 1920), Romania and Czechoslovakia
(April 1921), and Romania and Yugoslavia (June 1921), and each of
these bilateral agreements fostered both defensive and economic coop-
eration among the central European countries. The objective of this
alliance between Romania and the Czechoslovak Republic was to con-
tain possible Hungarian revisionism and the emerging Soviet threat in
the region. Caught literally between two emerging powers, the smaller
states had little choice but to coordinate and ally against the external
In case of attack by Hungary, both states pledged defensive aid to the
other. Neither party would sign an alliance with another state unless
the third party was also a member of the Triple Entente, and the gov-
ernments of both Romania and the Czechoslovak Republic would
coordinate their foreign policies toward Hungary.
This alliance became part of the three-party defensive alliance of the
Little Entente in June of 1930. Eventually, the agreements of the Little
Entente succumbed to a third threat—the enormous economic and
political pressure of Hitler’s Germany.

Alliance Text
Firmly resolved to maintain the peace obtained by so many sac-
rifices, and provided for by the Covenant of the League of
Nations, as well as the situation created by the Treaty concluded
at Trianon on June 4, 1920, between the Allied and Associated
Powers on the one hand, and Hungary on the other,
the President of the Czechoslovak Republic and His Majesty
the King of Roumania, have agreed to conclude a defensive
For this purpose they have nominated as their Plenipoten-
tiary Delegates:
For the President of the Czechoslovak Republic: M. Ferdi-
nand Veverka, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten-
tiary of the CzechoSlovak Republic at Bucarest;
For His Majesty the King of Roumania: M.Take Jonesco,
His State Minister for Foreign Affairs;
Who, having exchanged their full powers and found them to
be in good and due form, have agreed as follows:
Article 1. In case of an unprovoked attack on the part of
Hungary against one of the High Contracting Parties, the other
party agrees to assist in the defence of the party attacked, in the
manner laid down by the arrangement provided for in Article 2
of the present Convention.
Article 2. The competent Technical Authorities of the
Czechoslovak Republic and Roumania shall decide by mutual
agreement and in a Military Convention to be concluded, upon
the provisions necessary for the execution of the present Con-
Article 3. Neither of the High Contracting Parties shall con-
clude an alliance with a third Power without preliminary notice
to the other.
Article 4. For the purpose of coordinating their efforts to
maintain peace, the two Governments undertake to consult
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