International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Convention for the Maintenance, Preservation, and Reestablishment of Peace

In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorized by their
respective Governments, have affixed hereto their seals and sig-
Done in duplicate at Berlin, November 25th, 11th year of
Showa, corresponding to November 25th, 1936.
Viscount Kintomo Mushakoji,
Imperial Japanese Ambassador Extraordinary and
Joachim von Ribbentrop,
German Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten-

Supplementary Protocol to the Agreement Guarding
against the Communistic International

On the occasion of the signature this day of the Agreement
guarding against the Communistic International the under-
signed plenipotentiaries have agreed as follows:
a. The competent authorities of both High Contracting
States will closely co-operate in the exchange of reports
on the activities of the Communistic International and
on measures of information and defense against the
Communistic International.
b. The competent authorities of both High Contracting
States will, within the framework of the existing law, take
stringent measures against those who at home or abroad
work on direct or indirect duty of the Communistic
International or assist its disintegrating activities.
c. To facilitate the co-operation of the competent authorities
of the two High Contracting States as set out in (a) above,
a standing committee shall be established. By this com-
mittee the further measures to be adopted in order to
counter the disintegrating activities of the Communistic
International shall be considered and conferred upon.
Done at Berlin, November 25th, 11th year of Showa, corre-
sponding to November 25th, 1936.
Viscount Kintomo Mushakoji, Imperial Japanese
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Ambassador Extra-
ordinary and Plenipotentiary

4.1289 Convention for the Maintenance,

Preservation, and Reestablishment of Peace

Alliance Members:Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Hon-
duras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, United States, Venezuela
Signed On:December 23, 1936, in the city of Buenos Aires. In force
until March 23, 1945.
Alliance Type:Entente (Type III)

Source:The American Journal of International Law,vol.31,no.2,Sup-
plement: Official Documents. (April 1937), p. 53–57.

This agreement to peacefully resolve disputes was signed at the 1936
Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace. President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the United States had begun the Good
Neighbor policy toward Central and South American states in which
the United States pledged nonintervention in the internal affairs of its
southern neighbors. The United States adhered to this policy as it
withdrew its forces from Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and
Nicaragua, and the United States refused to act during political tur-
moil in Cuba and Panama or following moves by several dictators to
extend their terms in office.
The agreement was replaced by a defense pact (the Act of Chapulte-
pec) in 1945.

Alliance Text
The Governments represented at the Inter-American Confer-
ence for the Maintenance of Peace,
That according to the statement of Franklin D. Roosevelt,
President of the United States, to whose lofty ideals the meeting
of this Conference is due, the measures to be adopted by it
“would advance the cause of world peace, inasmuch as the
agreements which might be reached would supplement and
reinforce the efforts of the League of Nations and of all other
existing or future peace agencies in seeking to prevent war”;
That every war or threat of war affects directly or indirectly
all civilized peoples and endangers the great principles of liberty
and justice which constitute the American ideal and the stan-
dard of American international policy;
That the Treaty of Paris of 1928 (Kellogg-Briand Pact) has
been accepted by almost all the civilized states, whether or not
members of other peace organizations, and that the Treaty of
Non-Aggression and Conciliation of 1933 (Saavedra Lamas
Pact signed at Rio de Janeiro) has the approval of the twenty-
one American Republics represented in this Conference,
Have resolved to give contractual form to these purposes by
concluding the present convention, to which end they have
appointed the plenipotentiaries hereafter mentioned:
Argentina: Carlos Saavedra Lamas, Roberto M. Ortiz,
Miguel Angel Cárcano, José María Cantillo, Felipe A. Espil,
Leopoldo Melo, Isidoro Ruiz Moreno, Daniel Antokoletz, Car-
los Brebbia, César Díaz Cisneros.
Paraguay: Miguel Angel Soler, J. Isidro Ramírez.
Honduras: Antonio Bermúdez M., Julián López Pineda.
Costa Rica: Manuel F. Jiménez, Carlos Brenes.
Venezuela: Caracciolo Parra Pérez, Gustavo Herrera,
Alberto Zerega Fombona.
Peru: Carlos Concha, Alberto Ulloa, Felipe Barreda Laos,
Diómedes Arias Schreiber.
El Salvador: Manuel Castro Ramírez, Maximiliano Patricio
Mexico: Francisco Castillo Nájera, Alfonso Reyes, Ramón
Beteta, Juan Manuel Alvarez del Castillo.
Brazil: José Carlos de Macedo Soares, Oswaldo Aranha,
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