International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Agreement of Mutual Assistance between the United Kingdom and Poland

Being convinced that everything which contributes to the
maintenance and assurance of peace between Portugal and
Spain is an important factor in the peace of Europe;
Having established that no obligations hitherto assumed by
either of the contracting parties with regard to third powers in
any way opposed to the development and strengthening of their
reciprocal relations or conflict with the provisions and articles
of this treaty which does not affect them;
Have decided to conclude the following treaty of Friendship
and Non-aggression and for this purpose have nominated as
their plenipotentiaries:—
[Here follow the names]
Art. 1. The two contracting parties undertake to observe
absolute respect of the frontiers and territories of the other
party and not to commit any act of aggression or invasion
against the other party.
Any act of violence against the integrity and inviolability of
the territory of either party even if it is not preceded by a decla-
ration of war, will be held as contrary to the provisions of this

  1. The high contracting parties undertake not to render air
    or assistance to any aggressor or aggressors who may attack the
    other party, and in particular they will not permit any act of
    aggression or attack to be directed against the territories of the
    other party from within their territory, by land or by sea or by

  2. Each contracting party undertakes not to enter into any
    pact or alliance directed against the other party or having as its
    purpose aggression against the territory of the other party.

  3. Any pact or treaty of alliance which may in future be con-
    cluded between one of the contracting parties and a third power
    will respect the undertakings set out in this treaty.

  4. This treaty will remain in force for 10 years and will be
    considered as automatically extended subject to denunciation
    by either party on 6 months’ notice.

  5. This treaty will be ratified and will come into force on the
    date of exchange of ratifications which will be carried out as
    soon as possible.
    Done in duplicate in Lisbon on March 17, 1939, with two
    texts, Portuguese and Spanish, which will be of equal validity.

4.1297 Agreement of Mutual Assistance

between the United Kingdom and Poland

Alliance Members:United Kingdom and Poland
Signed On:April 6, 1939, in the city of London. In force until Sep-
tember 27, 1939.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)

Source:Documentary Background of World War II, 1931–1941,p. 1025.
Additional Citations:The Major International Treaties 1914–1945,
p. 189.

The agreements made at Munich in September of 1938 were being
ignored by Hitler, and by April 1939 it was clear to the Poles that Ger-
man expansion would soon turn eastward toward the Polish country-
side. The Polish leadership asked Britain to affirm its verbal guarantees
of assistance to the Poles, and on April 6, the Polish government
accepted this communiqué that committed Britain to aid the Poles in
case of attack by a third party.
Even before this agreement, though, Hitler’s Germany had already
started plans on the eventual attack of Poland that commenced on
September 1, 1939. This mutual assistance agreement ended when
Poland lost its independence to Germany on September 27.

Alliance Text
THE Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and the Polish Government:
Desiring to place on a permanent basis the collaboration
between their respective countries resulting from the assurances
of mutual assistance of a defensive character which they have
already exchanged:
Have resolved to conclude an Agreement for that purpose
and have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:
The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland: The Rt. Hon. Viscount Halifax, K.G.,
G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;
The Polish Government: His Excellency Count Edward
Raczynski, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
the Polish Republic in London;
Who, having exchanged their Full Powers, found in good and
due form, have agreed following provisions:—
Article 1. Should one of the Contracting Parties become
engaged in hostilities with a European Power in consequence of
aggression by the latter against that Contracting Party, the other
Contracting Party will at once give the Contracting Party
engaged in hostilities all the support and assistance in its power.
Article 2. (1) The provisions of Article 1 will also apply in
the event of any action by a European Power which clearly
threatened, directly or indirectly, the independence of one of
the Contracting Parties, and was of such a nature that the Party
in question considered it vital to resist it with its armed forces.
(2) Should one of the Contracting Parties become engaged
in hostilities with a European Power in consequence of action
by that Power which threatened the independence or neutrality
of another European State in such a way as to constitute a clear
menace to the security of that Contracting Party, the provisions
of Article I will apply, without prejudice, however, to the rights
of the other European State concerned.
Article 3. Should a European Power attempt to undermine
the independence of one of the Contracting Parties by processes
of economic penetration or in any other way, the Contracting
Parties will support each other in resistance to such attempts.
Should the European Power concerned thereupon embark on
hostilities against one of the Contracting Parties, the provisions
of Article I will apply.
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