International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Treaty of Non-Aggression between the German Reich and the Kingdom of Denmark

the other Contracting Party will immediately step to its side as
an ally and will support it with all its military might on land, at
sea, and in the air.
Article IV. In order to ensure, in any given case, the rapid
implementation of the alliance obligations of Article III, the
Governments of the two Contracting Parties will further inten-
sify their cooperation in the military sphere and the sphere of
war economy. Similarly the two Governments will keep each
other regularly informed of other measures necessary for the
practical implementation of this pact. The two Governments
will create standing commissions, under the direction of the
Foreign Ministers, for the purposes indicated in paragraphs 1
and 2.
Article V. The Contracting Parties already at this point bind
themselves, in the event of a jointly waged war, to conclude any
armistice or peace only in full agreement with each other.
Article VI. The two Contracting Parties are aware of the
importance of their joint relations to the Powers which are
friendly to them. They are determined to maintain these rela-
tions in future and to promote the adequate development of the
common interests which bind them to these Powers.
Article VII. This pact comes into force immediately upon its
signing. The two Contracting Parties are agreed upon fixing the
first period of its validity at ten years. In good time before the
elapse of this period they will come to an agreement regarding
the extension of the validity of the pact.


On signing the friendship and alliance pact, agreement has been
established by both parties on the following points:

  1. The two Foreign Ministers will as quickly as possible come
    to an agreement on the organization, the seat, and the methods
    of work on the pact of the commissions on military questions
    and questions of war economy as stipulated in Article IV of the

  2. For the execution of Article IV, par. 2, the two Foreign
    Ministers will as quickly as possible arrange the necessary meas-
    ures, guaranteeing a constant cooperation, conforming to the
    spirit and aims of the pact, in matters of the press, the news
    service and the propaganda. For this purpose in particular, each
    of the two Foreign Ministers will assign to the embassy of his
    country in the respective capital one or several especially well-
    experienced specialists, for constant discussion in direct close
    cooperation with the resp. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of the
    suitable steps to be taken in matters of the press, the news serv-
    ice and the propaganda for the promotion of the policy of the
    Axis, and as a countermeasure against the policy of the enemy
    Berlin 22 May 1939 in the XVII year of the Fascist Era.

4.1299 Treaty of Non-Aggression between the

German Reich and the Kingdom of Denmark

Alliance Members:Germany and Denmark
Signed On:May 31, 1939, in the city of Berlin. In force until April 9,
1940, when Germany invaded Denmark.
Alliance Type:Non-Aggression Pact (Type II)
Source:League of Nations Treaty Series,vol. 197, p. 40.

In May of 1939, Hitler offered non-aggression pacts to several neigh-
boring countries in hopes of easing their tensions with regard to Ger-
man expansionism. Unlike other Scandinavian countries, Denmark
accepted this agreement with Germany, and, following the outbreak of
war in 1939, Denmark retained its neutrality. Seven months later, on
April 9, 1940, encountering little resistance, German forces overran
Norway and took control of Denmark.

Alliance Treaty
His Majesty the King of Denmark and Iceland and the Chancel-
lor of the German Reich,
Being firmly resolved to maintain peace between Denmark
and Germany in all circumstances, have agreed to confirm this
resolve by means of a Treaty and have appointed as their
His Majesty the King of Denmark and Iceland: M. Herluf
Zahle, Chamberlain, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary in Berlin;
The Chancellor of the German Reich: M. Joachim von
Ribbentrop, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Reich;
Who, having exchanged their full powers, found in good and
due form, have agreed on the following provisions:
Article I. The Kingdom of Denmark and the German Reich
shall in no case resort to war or to any other use of force one
against the other.
Should action of the kind referred to in paragraph I be taken
by a third Power against one of the Contracting Parties, the other
Contracting Party shall not support such action in any way.
Article 2. The present Treaty shall be ratified and the instru-
ments of ratification shall be exchanged as soon as possible in
The Treaty shall come into force on the exchange of the
instruments of ratification and shall remain in force for a
period of ten years from that date. Should the Treaty not be
denounced by one of the Contracting Parties at least one year
before the expiry of that period, its validity shall be extended for
a fresh period of ten years. The same shall apply to subsequent
In witness whereof the Plenipotentiaries of both Parties have
signed the present Treaty.
Done in original duplicate, in Danish and German.
Berlin, May 31st, 1939.
Herluf ZAHLE.
Joachim v. RIBBENTROP.
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