International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

the Sacred Treasure of the First Class, and Yoshitsugu Tatekawa,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics, Lieutenant General, Jusanmin,
Cavalier of the Order of the Rising Sun of the First Class and
the Order of the Golden Kite of the Fourth Class,
who, after an exchange of their credentials, which were
found in due and proper form, have agreed on the following:
Article One. Both Contracting Parties undertake to maintain
peaceful and friendly relations between them and mutually
respect the territorial integrity and inviolability of the other
Contracting Party.
Article Two. Should one of the Contracting Parties become
the object of hostilities on the part of one or several third pow-
ers, the other Contracting Party will observe neutrality
throughout the duration of the conflict.
Article Three. The present Pact comes into force from the
day of its ratification by both Contracting Parties and remains
valid for five years. In case neither of the Contracting Parties
denounces the Pact one year before the expiration of the term, it
will be considered automatically prolonged for the next five
Article Four. The present Pact is subject to ratification as
soon as possible. The instruments of ratification shall be
exchanged in Tokyo, also as soon as possible.
In confirmation whereof the above-named Representatives
have signed the present Pact in two copies, drawn up in the Rus-
sian and Japanese languages, and affixed thereto their seals.
Done in Moscow on April 13, 1941, which corresponds to
the 13th day of the fourth month of the 16th year of Showa.
V. Molotov,
Yosuke Matsuoka,
Yoshitsugu Tatekawa

4.1315 Treaty of Friendship between Germany

and Turkey

Alliance Members:Germany and Turkey
Signed On:June 18, 1941, in the city of Ankara (Turkey). In force
until May 8, 1945.
Alliance Type:Non-Aggression Pact (Type II)

Source:British and Foreign State Papers,vol. 144, p. 816–817.


Germany had been pressuring Ankara for Turkey’s entry in the war as
a German ally. In exchange for additional territories in Thrace and a
guarantee of Turkish security, the Germans sought permission to pass
through Turkish lands in order to attack the British and French terri-
tories of the Middle East. Because of their successful invasions and
occupations of most of the Balkan states, Germany and Italy repre-
sented immediate threats to the integrity of Turkey. Further, as Turkey
was isolated from its Western allies who were themselves involved on
several fronts, Turkey expected little aid against an attack. The Turks
realized, however, that granting permission to the Germans to pass

through their territory could be considered an act of aggression
against their allies, the British and French. Thus, Turkey acquiesced to
this non-aggression pact but did not grant permission to the Nazis to
pass through its territory. The pact lasted until Germany was divided
at the end of the war.

Alliance Text
The German Government and the Turkish Republic, inspired
by a desire to place relations between the two countries on a
basis of mutual confidence and sincere friendship, agreed with-
out prejudice to present obligations of both countries to con-
clude a treaty.
For this purpose the German Reich Chancellor appointed
Ambassador Franz von Papen and the President of the Turkish
Republic appointed Foreign Minister Shukru Saracoglu as
plenipotentiaries, who, on the basis of full powers accorded
them, have agreed on the following declaration:
Article I. Germany and Turkey bind themselves mutually to
respect the integrity and inviolability of their territories and will
take no measure that is aimed directly or indirectly against the
other contracting party.
Article II. Germany and Turkey bind themselves in the future
to communicate with each other in friendly manner on all
questions affecting their common interests in order to bring
about understanding on the treatment of such questions.
Article III. The foregoing treaty will be ratified by articles of
ratification, which shall be exchanged forthwith in Berlin. The
treaty enters into force on the day of signature and is effective
from then onward for a period of ten years.
The parties concluding the treaty will agree at the proper
time regarding the question of extending the treaty.
Drawn up in duplicate in the original, in the German and
Turkish languages, in Ankara on June 18, 1941.

4.1316 Agreement between the United King-

dom and the Union of Soviet Socialist


Alliance Members:United Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist
Signed On:July 12, 1941, in the city of Moscow. In force until May 26,
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)
Source:League of Nations Treaty Series,vol. 204, p. 278.

On June 22, 1941, Hitler’s Germany attacked its ally, the Soviet Union.
British prime minister Winston Churchill immediately proclaimed his
country’s support for the Soviets and pledged any assistance necessary
to help the Soviets fight against the fascist states. On July 12, this sim-
ple assistance agreement was signed in Moscow. Upon gaining its
Soviet ally, Britain no longer stood alone against Hitler’s Germany.
The initial mutual assistance agreement listed below was greatly
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