International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Treaty between the Republic of Poland and the Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia

No. 2. Note from Mr. Wang Shih-Chieh, Minister of For-
eign Affairs of the National Government of the Republic
of China, in answer to Mr. Molotov, Peoples’ Commissar
for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist

14 August of the 34th year
of the Republic of China,
corresponding to 14 August 1945
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your Note of
today’s date reading as follows:
[See Note No. I]
I have the honour to confirm the correctness of the above
I have the honour to be, etc.

Mr. Molotov
Peoples’ Commissar for Foreign Affairs
of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

No. 3. Note from Mr. Wang Shih-Chieh, Minister of For-
eign Affairs of the National Government of the Republic
of China, to Mr. Molotov, Peoples’ Commissar for Foreign
Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

14 August of the 34th year
of the Republic of China,
corresponding to 14 August 1945
In view of the frequently manifested desire for independence
of the people of Outer Mongolia, the Chinese Government
states that, after the defeat of Japan, if this desire is confirmed by
a plebiscite of the people of Outer Mongolia, the Chinese Gov-
ernment will recognize the independence of Outer Mongolia
within her existing frontiers.
The above statement will have binding force after the ratifi-
cation of the Treaty of Friendship and Alliance signed by the
Chinese Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
on 14 August 1945.
I have the honour to be, etc.

Mr. Molotov
Peoples’ Commissar for Foreign Affairs
of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

4.1326 Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Assis-

tance between the Republic of Poland and the

Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia

Alliance Members:Poland and Yugoslavia
Signed On:March 18, 1946, in the city of Warsaw. In force until June
28, 1948.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)
Source:United Nations Treaty,no. 13.

This alliance was the first among eastern European states following
World War II and effectively served as a method for establishing diplo-
matic recognition of both respective governments. The treaty itself
assures that neither party will take part in an alliance against the other.
In addition, if one of the signed parties were to become involved in
hostile actions with Germany or any other country, the other signa-
tory would give military assistance and support.
Marshall Tito hailed the alliance as an important diplomatic tool and
guide for other states in the region, but the alliance itself lasted only
three years. Poland followed the Soviet lead and renounced all ties
with Yugoslavia in 1948 after Stalin’s split with Tito.

Alliance Text
The President of the National Council of the Republic of
Poland on the one part, and the Presidium of the National
Skuptshina of the Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia on
the other part,
Drawing conclusions from the experiences of the last war,
which as the result of aggression by Germany and her allies
wrought enormous destruction both in Poland and in
Desirous of tightening the bonds of secular friendship
between the brother Slav nations of both countries, bonds
which have been particularly strengthened and consolidated in
the course of the joint struggle waged for liberty, independence
and democracy against Germany and her allies in the last war,
Believing that the strengthening and deepening of the
friendship between Poland and Yugoslavia corresponds to the
most vital interest of both countries and will most effectively
serve the cause of the cultural and economic development of
Poland and Yugoslavia,
Being desirous of consolidating the peace and security of
Poland and Yugoslavia as well as world peace and security,
Have resolved to conclude a Treaty of Friendship and Mutual
Assistance and for this purpose have appointed as their plenipo-
The President of the National Council of the Republic of
Poland: Edward Osobka-Morawski, Prime Minister of the Gov-
ernment of National Unity of the Republic of Poland, and
The Presidium of the National Skuptshina of the Federa-
tive People’s Republic of Yugoslavia: Joseph Broz-Tito, Marshal
of Yugoslavia and Prime Minister of the Government of the
Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia,
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