International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Aid between the Republic of Poland and the Czechoslovak Republic

responsibility for action in relation to Germany, with a view to
taking agreed action to deal with the situation.
Article IV. Bearing in mind the interests of the other mem-
bers of the United Nations, the High Contracting Parties will by
constant consultation on matters affecting their economic rela-
tions with each other take all possible steps to promote the
prosperity and economic security of both countries and thus
enable each of them to contribute more effectively to the eco-
nomic and social objectives of the United Nations.
Article V. (1) Nothing in the present Treaty should be
interpreted as derogating in any way from the obligations
devolving upon the High Contracting Parties from the provi-
sions of the Charter of the United Nations or from any special
agreements concluded in virtue of Article 43 of the Charter.
(2) Neither of the High Contracting Parties will conclude
any alliance or take part in any coalition directed against the
other High Contracting Party; nor will they enter into any obli-
gation inconsistent with the provisions of the present Treaty.
Article VI. (1) The present Treaty is subject to ratification
and the instruments of ratification will be exchanged in London
as soon as possible.
(2) It will come into force immediately on the exchange of
the instruments of ratification and will remain in force for a
period of fifty years.
(3) Unless either of the High Contracting Parties gives to the
other notice in writing to terminate it at least one year before
the expiration of this period, it will remain in force without any
specified time limit, subject to the right of either of the High
Contracting Parties to terminate it by giving to the other in
writing a year’s notice of his intention to do so.
In Witness Whereof the above-mentioned Plenipotentiaries
have signed the present Treaty and affixed thereto their seals.
Done in Dunkirk the fourth day of March, 1947, in duplicate
in English and French, both texts being equally authentic.
[L.S.] Ernest BEVIN

4.1331 Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Aid

between the Republic of Poland and the

Czechoslovak Republic

Alliance Members:Poland and Czechoslovakia
Signed On:March 10, 1947, in the city of Warsaw. In force until
August 7, 1989.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)

Source:United Nations Treaty,no. 365.


This treaty preceded the six-nation Council for Economic Mutual
Assistance (CEMA), formalizing the “Molotov Plan,” which was

created as an eastern European alternative to the Marshall Plan. The
alliance stipulated that both states would carry out joint measures to
obviate any further threat by Germany and would offer military assis-
tance if the other were attacked. Both parties also pledged not to take
part in any alliances that targeted the other state.
A communist coup d’état occurred in Czechoslovakia in February of
1948, within one year of the signing this alliance. President Eduard
Benes of Czechoslovakia was forced to accept Premier Klement
Gottwald’s terms that Communists be put in charge of all positions
except the foreign ministry. Jan Masaryk remained foreign minister,
but even in this case, all of Masaryk’s aides were Communist Party
members. Masaryk died just one month later. Most speculated that the
foreign minister had been murdered and that his alleged suicide was a
The alliance was revised at least once, in 1967, and lasted through the
1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact forces. The alliance
finally ended after more than forty years with the removal of commu-
nist governments in both states in 1989.

Alliance Text
The President of the Republic of Poland and the President of
the Czechoslovak Republic,
Being desirous of ensuring the peaceful development of both
their Slav countries which, bordering directly upon Germany,
have throughout their history been the object of German
aggression which has repeatedly threatened their very existence,
Drawing appropriate conclusions from the experiences of
the last war, which confronted both countries with deadly
Realizing the vital interests of both countries in joint defence
in the event of a renewal by Germany of her policy of aggression
against their freedom, independence and territorial integrity,
Being convinced that joint defence against such a danger is
in the interests of the maintenance of world peace and interna-
tional security, the principal purpose of the United Nations, to
which both States belong,
Recognizing that friendship and close co-operation between
the Republic of Poland and the Czechoslovak Republic corre-
spond with the most vital interests of both States and con-
tribute to their cultural and economic development,
Have resolved to conclude a treaty of friendship and mutual
aid and for this purpose have appointed as their plenipoten-
The President of the Republic of Poland: Mr. Józef
Cyrankiewicz, President of the Council of Ministers, and Mr.
Zygmunt Modzelewski, Minister of Foreign Affairs;
The President of the Czechoslovak Republic: Mr. Kiement
Gottwald, President of the Council of Ministers, and Mr. Jan
Masaryk, Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Who, having exchanged their full powers, found in good and
due form, have agreed on the following provisions:
Article 1. The High Contracting Parties undertake to estab-
lish their mutual relations on a basis of firm friendship, to
develop and strengthen them together with economic and cul-
tural co-operation.
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