International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Joint Defence Agreement between Syria and Egypt

Article 11. The present Treaty shall remain in force for
twenty years. For Contracting Parties which do not, one year
before the expiration of that term, give notice of termination of
the Treaty to the Government of the Polish People’s Republic,
the Treaty shall remain in force for a further ten years.
In the event of the establishment of a system of collective
security in Europe and the conclusion for that purpose of a
General European Treaty concerning collective security, a goal
which the Contracting Parties shall steadfastly strive to achieve,
the present Treaty shall cease to have effect as from the date on
which the General European Treaty comes into force.
Done at Warsaw, this fourteenth day of May 1955, in one
copy, in the Russian, Polish, Czech and German languages, all
the texts being equally authentic. Certified copies of the present
Treaty shall be transmitted by the Government of the Polish
People’s Republic to all the other Parties to the Treaty.
In Faith Whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed the pres-
ent Treaty and have thereto affixed their seals.
[L. S.]By authorization of the Presidium of the National
Assembly of the People’s Republic of Albania:
(Signed) M. SHEHU

[L. S.]By authorization of the Presidium of the National
Assembly of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria:

[L. S.] By authorization of the Presidium of the Hungarian
People’s Republic:
(Signed) A. HEGEDÜS

[L. S.] By authorization of the President of the German
Democratic Republic:

[L. S.] By authorization of the Council of State of the Polish
People’s Republic:

[L. S.]By authorization of the Presidium of the Grand
National Assembly of the Romanian People’s Republic

[L. S.]By authorization of the Presidium of the Supreme
Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(Signed) N. BULGANIN

[L. S.] By authorization of the President of the Czechoslovak
(Signed) V.SIROKˇ Y ́

4.1361 Joint Defence Agreement between Syria

and Egypt

Alliance Members:Syria, Egypt, and Jordan (joined on October 24,
Signed On:October 20, 1955, in the city of Damascus (Syria). In force
until March 26, 1979.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)
Source:United Nations Treaty,no. 3461.

Baathist influences in both Syria and Egypt fostered close ties between
the two countries. The joint defense agreement between the two states
was signed in October 1955 to begin a consolidation process, after
which the two countries were expected to eventually unite under one
leadership. The treaty pledged complete peace between both sides;
established that an attack on one country would be considered an
attack on both; formed a Joint Command, a War Council, and a
Supreme Council; and advocated full consultation on issues of joint
interest. By 1958, Syria and Egypt had formed the United Arab Repub-
lic (UAR). The unified command lasted only a few years, however, as a
coup d’état in Syria installed a government that distanced Syria from
the UAR.

Alliance Text
The Governments of Syria and Egypt,
With a view to strengthening the principles of the Pact of the
League of Arab States and reaffirming the loyalty of the con-
tracting States to those principles,
Desiring to develop and strengthen military co-operation
between them with a view to protecting the independence of
their two countries and safeguarding their security; firmly
believing that the establishment of a security system common
to their two countries will constitute a major factor in guaran-
teeing the security and independence of each; wishing to
achieve their desire for their common defence and the mainte-
nance of security and peace in accordance with the principles
and purposes of the Pact of the League of Arab States and the
Charter of the United Nations,
And pursuant to the provisions of the first paragraph of arti-
cle 9 of the Pact of the League of Arab States,
Have resolved to conclude an agreement for that purpose
and have appointed as their plenipotentiaries:
For the Government of the Syrian Republic: His Excellency
Mr. Rashad Barmada, Minister of National Defence,
For the Government of the Republic of Egypt: His Excel-
lency General Mahmoud Riad, Egyptian Ambassador to Syria,
Who, having exchanged their full powers, found in good and
due form, have agreed as follows:
Article 1. The two Contracting States affirm their desire for
the maintenance of security and peace and their determination
and resolve to settle all their international disputes by peaceful
Article 2. The two Contracting States consider any armed
attack against either State or its forces as an attack against both.
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