International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Defence Agreement between the French Republic and the Gabonese Republic


France recognized complete sovereignty of Gabon with this alliance.
As per the terms of the agreement, Gabon guaranteed that it would
reinforce French forces for the good of the “African community”
should conflict arise, while domestic uprisings were left solely in the
hands of the Gabonese. Gabon could request French aid should it feel

The first president of Gabon stayed in office until a coup d’état in

  1. His successor turned the country into an autocracy. A multi-
    party system and new constitution were established in the early 1990s,
    and they helped to open up Gabon’s political and economic systems.

Alliance Text

The Government of the French Republic on the one hand, and
the Government of the Gabonese Republic on the other hand,
Considering that by virtue of the entry into force of the
Transfer Agreement, the Gabonese Republic has acceded to
independence and that the French Republic has recognized it as
an independent and sovereign State;
Recognizing their responsibilities with regard to the mainte-
nance of peace in accordance with the principles of the Charter
of the United Nations;
Considering that although both the internal and external
defence of Gabon is the responsibility of the Gabonese Republic
alone, the latter may, with the agreement of the French Repub-
lic, call upon the French armed forces for help in its internal or
external defence;
Considering that it is the wish of the Gabonese Republic to
co-operate with the French Republic within the Community to
which it henceforth belongs under the terms laid down in the
Franco-Gabonese agreements of today’s date concluded for this
Desiring to determine the arrangements for their co-opera-
tion in the field of defence;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1. The French Republic and the Gabonese Republic
shall jointly prepare and ensure their defence and that of the
Community to which they belong.
They shall extend aid and assistance to each other for this
purpose and shall co-operate with each other at all times on
questions of defence.
The general defence problems of the Community shall be
dealt with at Conferences of Heads of State and of Government.
Article 2. A permanent joint Defence Committee shall be
established to draw up the plan for defence and co-operation,
particularly in the field of external defence, between the French
Republic and the Gabonese Republic.
Article 3. The Gabonese Republic shall be responsible for its
internal defence. It may request aid from the French Republic in
accordance with the terms laid down in special agreements.
Gabonese armed forces shall participate with French armed
forces, under a single command, in the external defence of the

Article 4. Each Contracting Party shall provide the other
with all facilities and assistance required for its defence and in
particular the stationing, training and use of defence forces.
Such defence forces shall be composed in the main of armed
forces of the Gabonese Republic and French armed forces
responsible for the defence of the Community.
Sites and installations on the territory of the Gabonese
Republic determined by mutual agreement shall be placed at
the disposal of the latter to enable them to prepare and carry
out their joint defence missions at all times and in all circum-
The French Republic shall transfer to the Gabonese Republic
ownership and enjoyment of the military barracks and build-
ings required by the Gabonese army.
Article 5. The French Republic shall provide the Gabonese
Republic with the aid needed to constitute its national armed
Article 6. The arrangements for the application of this
Agreement shall be laid down in annexes.
Article 7. The Contracting Parties shall notify each other of
the completion of the procedures required for the entry into
force of this Agreement and the annexes thereto, which shall
take effect on the date of the last such notification.
Done at Libreville on 17 August 1960.
For the Government of the French Republic:
For the Government of the Gabonese Republic:
[Signed] LÉON MBA

Annex I

Concerning Mutual Assistance and Facilities in the field
of Defence
In order to provide the defence assistance and aid they have
undertaken to extend to each other, the Contracting Parties
have agreed on the following provisions:
Article 1. The military authorities of each of the Contracting
Parties shall receive from the other Contracting Parties all the
assistance they may need to carry out their responsibilities.
If necessary, special conventions shall be concluded to this
Article 2. The French armed forces shall have the right to
unimpeded movement between their garrisons and to organize
exercises and manoeuvres necessary for their training. The
authorities of the Gabonese Republic shall be advised, for their
information, of any large movements by land.
The French armed forces shall have the right to use port, sea
and river, road, railway and air installations. They shall have
unimpeded movement within the air space and the territorial
waters of the Gabonese Republic. They shall also have the right
to establish and to use whatever beacons may be necessary on the
territory and in the territorial waters of the Gabonese Republic.
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