International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Treaty between the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the German Democratic Republic

Article 6. The Council of the Chiefs of Staff consists of the
chief of staff of the armed forces in each of the two countries.
The Council of the Chiefs of Staff shall:
A. Implement the principles and bases established by the
Defense Council by issuing the necessary directives and
B. Approve the plans and studies prepared by the Joint Gen-
eral Staff, and submit what should be submitted to the
Defense Council for ratification.
C. Issue decisions concerning the formation and organiza-
tion of the Joint General Staff and its tasks.
The Council shall meet periodically once every three months
or when necessary at the request of either of the chiefs of staff.
Article 7. In the event of the beginning of military opera-
tions, the staff of the United Arab Republic armed forces shall
assume command of the operations in both states.
Article 8. Each of the two states shall bear the cost of the mil-
itary installations necessary for operations in its territory.
Article 9. This agreement shall be valid for five years, renew-
able automatically for subsequent periods of five years. Each of
the two contracting states shall be entitled to withdraw from it
after informing the other state in writing of its desire to do so
one year before the expiration of the above mentioned periods.
Article 10. The provisions of this agreement shall in no way
infringe upon the rights and commitments of each state which
are based or may be based on special agreements, the Arab
League Charter, or the Charter of the United Nations.
Article 11. This agreement shall be ratified in accordance
with the constitutional procedures in each of the two contract-
ing states. The instruments of ratification shall be exchanged at
the United Arab Republic Foreign Ministry. The agreement
shall become valid from the date of the exchange of instruments
of ratification.
In confirmation of the above, this agreement has been signed
and sealed by the seals of the two states.
Done in Cairo on 20 Safar 1387 Hegira, corresponding to 30
May 1967, in two original copies.
Gamal Abdel Nasser
President of the United Arab Republic

Hussein ibn Talal
King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

4.1384 Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation, and

Mutual Assistance between the People’s

Republic of Bulgaria and the German Demo-

cratic Republic

Alliance Members:Bulgaria and the German Democratic Republic
Signed On:September 7, 1967, in the city of Sofia (Bulgaria). In force
until November 7, 1989.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)

Source:United Nations Treaty,no. 8988.

This is the last of the many East German alliances formed in the wake
of the Soviet decision to withdraw forces from Eastern Europe in the
spring of 1967. As with each of the other agreements, Bulgaria pledged
to accept the borders of East Germany as inviolable, and both coun-
tries pledged mutual aid in case of attack. A new alliance instrument
replaced this agreement in 1977, and the bilateral alliance held until
November 1989, when the East German government fell amid popular
anticommunist protests.

Alliance Text
The People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the German Democratic
Desiring to develop their ties of fraternal friendship, com-
prehensive co-operation and mutual assistance on the basis of
the principles of socialist internationalism,
Deeply convinced that the further development of these ties
serves the vital interests of both States and helps to strengthen
the unity of the countries of the socialist community,
Noting the steady expansion of political, economic and cul-
tural co-operation between the People’s Republic of Bulgaria
and the German Democratic Republic,
Considering that economic co-operation, in particular,
between the two States contributes to their development and to
a broadening of the international socialist division of labour
among the countries members of the Council for Mutual Eco-
nomic Assistance,
Recalling the experience of the Second World War, which
was unleashed by Nazi Germany,
Aware that recognition of the present situation in Europe
and the establishment of normal relations on a footing of
equality among all European States are necessary in order to
guarantee security in Europe,
Noting that the German Democratic Republic has given
effect to the principles of the Potsdam Agreement and through
its consistent peace-loving foreign policy has become an impor-
tant factor in guaranteeing peace and security in Europe and
that its active peace-loving policy and its participation in the
development of international co-operation are of great impor-
tance for European security,
Firmly resolved to oppose the threat to peace by the forces of
West German militarism and revanchism and their claims to
represent the German people, and to guarantee the security of
the two Contracting States against any other aggressive designs,
Affirming that the defeat of militarism and neo-nazism is
the basic prerequisite for a peaceful settlement of the German
question and that the establishment of a unified, peace-loving
and democratic German State is possible only through the
establishment of normal relations between the two German
States as a result of agreements between them,
Determined to combat the threat of imperialism and to safe-
guard peace and security in Europe in accordance with the War-
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