International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Charter of the Union of Central African States


The Union of Central African States (UEAC) was a regional agreement
promoted by countries struggling to maintain independence and
security in central Africa. In addition to mutual defense and consulta-
tion in the event of crises, the alliance members agreed to create a
“common market” and harmonize their industrialization policies,
their development plans, and their policies in matters of transport and

President Jean-Bedel Bokassa of the Central African Republic, with the
backing of several neighboring countries, announced a withdrawal
from the alliance later in the year the agreement was created. Bokassa
instead supported the Union Douanière des Etats de l’Afrique Cen-
trale (UDEAC), a previous economic agreement among the alliance
partners that also included Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon.
Bokassa’s withdrawal led to increased tensions between the Central
African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Alliance Text

Pursuant to the Protocol of Agreement signed February 2, 1968
at Bangui by the Chiefs of State of the Central African Republic,
the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Republic of
Convinced that the peoples have an inalienable right to
determine their own destiny;
Knowing that it is their duty to use the natural and human
resources of their countries in achieving the general progress of
their peoples in all areas of human activity;
Guided by a common, sincere determination to strengthen
understanding between their peoples and cooperation
between their States in order to satisfy the aspirations of their
peoples toward the formation of a brotherhood and solidarity
within a broader Union that would transcend ethnic and
national differences;
Convinced that in order to apply this firm determination in
achieving the progress of their peoples, it is important to create
and to maintain a climate of peace and security;
Firmly resolved to safeguard and strengthen the hard-won
independence and sovereignty and the territorial integrity of
their States and to combat all forms of colonialism and neo-
Reaffirming their adherence to the principles of the Univer-
sal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Charters of the
United Nations and the Organization of African Unity;
Animated by a firm desire to strengthen the age-old bonds of
brotherhood existing between their peoples;
Desiring to promote economic, commercial, cultural, and
political relations between their States;
Convinced that the geographical location of their States
makes it necessary for them to achieve more effective solidarity
in a common transportation and telecommunications organi-
Aware of the role that the States of the Union are called upon
to play among the nations of Central Africa;
Aware likewise of helping thereby to strengthen African

solidarity and with due respect for the international commit-
ments assumed by each of their States;
Resolved to promote the gradual, progressive establishment
of a Central African Common Market with a view to regional
Persuaded that the creation of a Common Market through
the elimination of the obstacles to interregional trade, the adop-
tion of a procedure for the equitable allocation of industrializa-
tion projects, and the coordination of programs for the devel-
opment of the various sectors of production, will contribute
greatly toward improving the standard of living of their peo-
Desiring to strengthen their economies and to ensure their
harmonious development through the adoption of provisions
that will take into account the interests of each and every one
and that will sufficiently alleviate, through appropriate meas-
ures, the special situation of the economically less developed
Resolved to contribute, through the establishment of such a
regional economic union and through cooperation on policy
and on security matters, toward the attainment of the objectives
[of the Organization] of African Unity,
The President of the Central African Republic
The President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The President of the Republic of Chad
Hereby decide to establish the Union of Central African
States (U.E.A.C.) and
Agree upon the following:
Article 1. By this Charter the High Contracting Parties estab-
lish among themselves a Union of Central African States, here-
inafter called the Union.
The Union shall be open to any independent and sovereign
State that requests admission; new States shall be admitted by a
unanimous vote of the members of the Union.
Article 2. The High Contracting Parties hereby decide to
establish a Common Market of the Central African States. To
that end they hereby agree to coordinate their industrialization
policies, their development plans, and their transportation and
telecommunications policies in order to promote balanced
development and the diversification of the economies of the
Member States of the Union within a framework designed to
make it possible to expand trade between the States and to
improve the living conditions of the people.
They likewise agree upon close cooperation in the cultural
field and on security matters.
Article 3. The tasks devolving upon the Union shall be car-
ried out through: the Conference of Chiefs of State, the Council
of Ministers, and the Executive Secretariat.


Chapter I – Organization
Article 4. The Conference of Chiefs of State shall be consti-
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