International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Charter of the Union of Central African States

tuted by a meeting of the Chiefs of State or their representatives,
provided with full powers. The Chiefs of State may be assisted
by Ministers and Experts.
Article 5. The Conference shall meet as often as necessary,
and at least once a year.
Article 6. The Chairmanship of the meetings shall rotate
annually among the Chiefs of State following the alphabetical
order of the names of the States, unless the Chiefs of State
unanimously decide otherwise. The new Chairman shall be
installed at the opening session of the first meeting of each cal-
endar year. If additional States become members of the Union,
their Chiefs of State shall act as Chairmen of the Conference
after the last State in alphabetical order, of those that sign this
Article 7. If the Conference lacks a Chairman owing to a
change in the regime of a member country, the Chairmanship
shall be held by the next Chief of State in alphabetical order of
Article 8. The Chairman shall fix the date and place for the
meetings and shall summon the members of the Council.
Article 9. In case of emergency, the members of the Confer-
ence may be consulted at home if the Chairman so decides.
Chapter II — Powers and Duties
Article 10. The Conference shall be the supreme organ of the
Union for purposes of ensuring the attainment of the objectives
fixed in this Charter, under the conditions specified by the lat-

  1. It shall strengthen the unity and solidarity of the Mem-
    ber States.

  2. It shall coordinate and intensify their cooperation and
    their efforts to ensure better living conditions for their

  3. It shall defend their sovereignty, territorial integrity, and

  4. It shall guide and coordinate their general policies, par-
    ticularly in the following fields:
    (a) Economy, Trade, Customs, Transportation, and
    (b) Education and Culture;
    (c) Health, Hygiene, and Nutrition;
    (d) Science and Technology;
    (e) Defense and Security.

  5. It shall have the following nonrestrictive powers:
    It shall supervise the activities of the Council of Minis-
    It shall draw up its bylaws and shall approve the bylaws
    of the Council of Ministers.
    It shall establish the seat of the Union.
    It shall decide regarding the creation of common agen-
    cies and services.
    It shall appoint the Executive Secretary and the Deputy
    Executive Secretary of the Union.
    It shall draw up the Union’s Budget and shall fix the
    amount of the annual contribution of each Member

State upon the recommendation of the Council of
It shall decide regarding tariff negotiations with third
countries and the application of a general tariff.
It shall decide, without appeal, on all questions on
which the Council of Ministers is unable to reach a
unanimous decision.
It may, in addition, revise the structures, functions, and
activities of all other bodies.

  1. It shall arbitrate any differences that arise between the
    Member States regarding the implementation of this
    Chapter III — Decisions, Notification, Enforcement
    Article 11. Decisions of the Conference shall be unanimous.
    They shall be automatically enforceable in the Member States in
    accordance with the terms and conditions to be determined by
    the bylaws of the Conference.

Chapter I – Organization
Article 12. The Council of Ministers shall be composed of
the Ministers of Foreign Affairs or any other Ministers desig-
nated by the Governments of the Member States. The Delega-
tion from each State, which shall be entitled to speak and vote,
must include at least one Minister.
Members of the Council of Ministers may be assisted by
Article 13. The Council may summon any qualified person
to act in an advisory capacity at a meeting, but he may not par-
ticipate in the discussion.
The Council shall meet as often as necessary and at least
twice a year.
Article 14. The Chairmanship of the meetings shall rotate
annually among the Ministers of the various States following
the alphabetical order of the names of the States.
The new Chairman shall be installed at the opening session
of the first meeting of each calendar year.
If additional States become members of the Union, their
Ministers shall act as Chairmen of the Council after the last
State in alphabetical order of those that sign this Charter.
Article 15. If the Council of Ministers lacks a Chairman
owing to a change in the régime of a member country, the
Chairmanship shall be held by the next Minister in alphabetical
order of States.
Article 16. The Chairman shall fix the date and place for the
meetings and shall summon the members of the Council.
Article 17. In case of emergency, the members of the Council
may be consulted at home. The Council may not hold valid ses-
sions unless each State is represented by at least one Minister.
Chapter II — Powers and Duties
Article 18. The Council shall act by authorization of the
Conference of Chiefs of State. Such authorization shall cover
the following matters in particular:
Tariff and statistical nomenclature;
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