International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Charter of the Union of Central African States

Common external customs tariff;
Schedule of import duties, fees, and charges;
Tax on Union products;
Customs code;
Customs legislation and regulations;
Coordination of the internal taxation systems;
Investment code;
Allocation of industrialization projects;
Coordination of development plans and the transporta-
tion and telecommunications policy; Consultation with regard
to export duties, export prices of goods of common interest,
and with regard to wage rates and social benefits;
Educational and cultural exchanges;
Defense and security.
The conditions under which the Council shall exercise these
powers and duties are set forth in detail in the title below.
Chapter III — Decisions of the Council (Notification & Enforce-
Article 19. Decisions of the Council shall be unanimous.
They shall automatically be enforceable in the Member States in
accordance with the terms and conditions to be determined by
the Council’s bylaws.
It may likewise formulate recommendations and express its


Article 20. The Executive Secretary of the Union, assisted by
Deputy Executive Secretaries and an administrative staff, shall
constitute the Executive Secretariat.
The Executive Secretary and the Deputy Executive Secre-
taries shall be appointed for a three-year term, renewable by
decision of the Conference of Chiefs of State upon the recom-
mendation of the Council of Ministers. They shall be under the
direct authority of the Chairman in office of the Conference.
Article 21. In performing their duties, the Executive Secre-
tary, the Deputy Executive Secretaries, and the staff of the Sec-
retariat may neither request nor receive instructions from any
Government, any national entity, or any international entity.
They shall not hold any attitude that is incompatible with their
capacity as international personnel.
The status of the personnel of the Secretariat shall be fixed
by decision of the Conference of Chiefs of State upon the rec-
ommendation of the Council of Ministers.


Article 22. The Union shall have legal status, particularly the
power required:
(a) To contract;
(b) To acquire and to dispose of the personal and real prop-
erty essential to the attainment of its objectives;
(c) To borrow;
(d) To be a party to legal proceedings;
(e) To accept gifts, legacies, and donations of any sort.
To that end, it shall be represented by the Chairman of the

Conference of Chiefs of State, who may delegate his powers.
The power to contract, to acquire, and to transfer real and
personal property, and to borrow shall be exercised by the
Chairman with the prior consent of the Chiefs of all the Con-
tracting States.
Article 23. The Conference of the Union shall decide regard-
ing the immunities and privileges to be granted to the Union, to
the representatives of the Contracting Parties, and to the per-
sonnel of the Executive Secretariat in the territories of the
Member States.

Article 24. The Budget of the organs of the Union shall be
drawn up annually by the Conference of Chiefs of State. It shall
be made enforceable by the Chairman of the Conference.
Article 25. The expenses of the organs of the Union shall be
met out of contributions by the States, in accordance with terms
and conditions to be determined by the Conference.


Article 26. In order to achieve the objectives set forth in Arti-
cle 2 of this Charter in accordance with the schedules laid down
by the Conference of Chiefs of State, the activities of the Union
shall comprise:
(a) The adoption of a common customs tariff and schedule
of charges in connection with [trade] relations with third
(b) Prohibition of any import and export duties and taxes
between the Member States;
(c) Elimination between the Member States of obstacles to
the free movement of persons, services, and capital;
(d) The establishment of a common economic policy to
ensure Member States of a continuous, well-balanced
expansion, greater stability; an accelerated rise in the
standard of living, through coordination of the internal
taxation system; the adoption of an Investment Code for
investments that would favor the areas far from the sea
where it is more difficult to operate industries, thereby
correcting the natural inequalities within the Union; and
the coordination of development plans on the basis of the
equitable, well-balanced allocation of industries, with due
consideration for available resources and the develop-
ment level of each of the Member States;
(e) The establishment of a common policy in the field of
transportation and telecommunications in order to facili-
tate trade between the Member States through a reduc-
tion in the cost of transportation;
(f ) The establishment of a Compensation and Investment
(g) The institution of an appropriate duty favoring growth
in the consumption of the products originating in the
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