International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Treaty between the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Socialist Republic of Romania

Chapter IX Final Provisions

Article 38. This Agreement shall enter into force on Septem-
ber 26, 1970, and will remain in force for five years, whereupon
it may be extended, if both Governments agree, for another five
Article 39. In order to facilitate the withdrawal of the person-
nel, property, equipment and material of the Government of
the United States located in Spain pursuant to Chapter VIII of
this Agreement, a period of one year, during which the with-
drawal must be completed, is provided. Such withdrawal shall
be commenced immediately upon the expiration of the five year
initial period, or, if the Agreement is extended, upon the expira-
tion of the five year extension period. During the withdrawal
period above mentioned, not to exceed one year, all of the
rights, privileges and obligations deriving from Chapter VIII of
this Agreement shall remain in force as long as United States
troops remain in Spain.
Article 40. The entry into force of this Agreement will in no
way affect the validity or terms of any agreement existing
between the Governments of the United States and Spain, with
the exception of the Defense Agreement between the United
States and Spain, dated September 26, 1953, and its supplemen-
tary agreements which shall thereupon be superseded.
Done at Washington in duplicate, in the English and Spanish
languages, each of which shall be equally authentic, this sixth
day of August, 1970.
For the Government of the United States of America:
For the Government of Spain:

4.1392 Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation, and

Mutual Assistance between the People’s

Republic of Bulgaria and the Socialist Republic

of Romania

Alliance Members:Bulgaria and Romania
Signed On:November 19, 1970, in the city of Sofia (Bulgaria). In
force until November 10, 1989.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)

Source:United Nations Treaty,no. 12282.


This treaty of friendship between Bulgaria and Romania was similar in
most respects to the many bilateral alliances among Eastern European
states in the Warsaw Pact. The treaty specified the inviolability of bor-
ders, called for respect and furtherance of international socialism, and
pledged greater bilateral cooperation. The agreement ended in
November of 1989 with the resignation of the communist regime in

Alliance Text
The People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Socialist Republic of
Desiring to strengthen and expand the ties of fraternal
friendship, all-round co-operation and good-neighbourly rela-
tions between the Bulgarian and Romanian peoples, on the
basis of the principles of socialist internationalism, respect for
sovereignty and national independence, equality or rights,
mutual benefit and comradely mutual assistance, and non-
interference in domestic affairs,
Firmly convinced that the development of the ties of frater-
nal friendship between the Bulgarian and Romanian peoples,
forged in the common fight for the aims of national and social
liberation and against reaction and fascism, is in accord with
the vital interests of the two peoples and the cause of peace and
Recognizing that fraternal solidarity between the socialist
States has its unshakeable foundations in the sharing of a com-
mon social system and in the unity of the fundamental aims
and aspirations of the peoples of the two countries and of the
entire socialist community,
Firmly resolved to consolidate the unity and cohesion of the
socialist countries and to respect the obligations laid down in
the Warsaw Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual
Assistance of 14 May 1955 during the period of validity of the
Treaty, which was concluded in response to the NATO threat,
Expressing their will to work consistently for the establish-
ment of an atmosphere of understanding and co-operation in
the Balkan region and throughout the world, in the interests of
common progress, peace and general security, and firmly
resolved to oppose the forces of imperialism, militarism and
revanchism that threaten peace,
Pursuing a steadfast policy of peaceful co-existence between
States with different social systems,
Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the
United Nations,
Highly valuing the role played by the Bulgarian-Romanian
Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance of 16
January 1948 in the steady development of fraternal friendship
and co-operation between the Bulgarian people and the
Romanian people,
Having regard to the experience and achievements of the
two States in the building of socialism, and the changes that
have taken place in Europe and the world,
Have decided to conclude this Treaty and to that end have
agreed as follows:
Article 1. The High Contracting Parties shall continue to
strengthen the lasting friendship between the Bulgarian and
Romanian peoples, and shall develop co-operation between the
two States in the political, economic, social, scientific and cul-
tural fields, on the basis of the principles of socialist interna-
tionalism, respect for sovereignty and national independence,
equality of rights, mutual benefit and comradely mutual assis-
tance, and non-interference in domestic affairs.
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