International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Treaty of Friendship and Co-Operation between the German Democratic Republic and Mozambique

Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)

Source:Keesing’s Record of World Events,January 1979.


On January 23, 1979, Guinea and Liberia signed this treaty dedicated
to mutual security against internal aggression. The alliance would
immediately prove useful for the Liberian government because soon
after the alliance was signed a group calling itself the Progressive
Alliance of Liberia (PAL) organized and attempted a coup d’état in
response to the abysmally poor economic conditions in Liberia.
Guinea responded to the internal strife by sending one hundred
troops to help secure the capital city during fierce riots.

As members of the Economic Community of West African States
(ECOWAS), the two nations continued to cooperate during the 1980s
on both economic and security issues. For example, in 1986, Liberia,
Sierra Leone, and Guinea signed a treaty of non-aggression and coop-
eration on security called the Mano River Union (MRU).

This alliance and the Mano River Union were dissolved during the
early 1990s in response to cross-border strife. By September 2000,
Guinea began raiding Liberian border villages in an attempt to crack
down on rebels who had been launching attacks into Guinea. The gov-
ernment in Guinea declared that Liberia was supporting the rebels,
while Liberia declared Guinea’s attacks were an act of war.

Description of Terms

This bilateral non-aggression and mutual defense treaty sought
to promote principles of non-interference, respect for territorial
integrity, and peaceful settlements to disputes within both coun-
tries. The two nations also expressed their desire to promote
regional cooperation and economic security within West Africa.

4.1408 Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation

between the German Democratic Republic and


Alliance Members:German Democratic Republic and Angola
Signed On:February 19, 1979, in the city of Luanda (Angola). In
force until November 7, 1989.
Alliance Type:Non-Aggression Pact (Type II)

Source:Keesing’s Record of World Events,February 1979.


This non-aggression agreement was part of a larger effort by the East
German government to establish ties with sympathetic countries in
Africa. The treaty called for non-aggression, but the larger relationship
established with the alliance included East German military and eco-
nomic aid as well as the stationing of advisers in Angola to conduct
military training.

The alliance effectively ended with the dissolution of the East German
government, one year before German unification.

Description of Terms

The allied parties pledged close friendship and co-operation.
Both countries also agreed to a policy of non-aggression.

Neither country would sign an alliance that undermined the
other party nor to take any step or action that would be directed
against the other party.

4.1409 Treaty of Friendship and Co-Operation

between the German Democratic Republic and


Alliance Members:German Democratic Republic and Mozambique
Signed On:February 24, 1979, in the city of Maputo (Mozambique).
In force until November 7, 1989.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)
Source:United Nations Treaty,no. 18474.

On September 7, 1974, the Mozambique resistance movement (Fre-
limo) and the Portuguese government signed an official independence
agreement. This settlement brought an end to the civil war that had
lasted for more than ten years. The Marxist group Frelimo took con-
trol of the government and gave power to Samora Machel.
The new government quickly established ties with the Soviet Union
and its allies, formalizing this agreement with East Germany in 1979.
Following the treaty, in October of 1980, a high-level military delega-
tion traveled to East Germany to establish cooperation on internal and
external security measures. However, over the course of their alliance,
East Germany provided little military aid or weaponry for Mozam-
bique and instead concentrated on providing Frelimo with technical
training and support, especially for the secret police.

Alliance Text
The German Democratic Republic and the People’s Republic of
Acknowledging their parties’ and their peoples’ fraternal
friendship and cooperation established already during the
armed national liberation struggle of the people of Mozam-
bique and based on Marxism-Leninism and proletarian inter-
Firmly determined to contribute towards the creation of
favourable conditions for continuing the revolutionary process
in the world,
Desiring to further promote the fraternal friendship and co-
operation between the German Democratic Republic and the
People’s Republic of Mozambique and thus to contribute
towards strengthening the natural anti-imperialist alliance
between the socialist States and the national liberation move-
ments and towards further uniting all forces fighting for peace,
democracy and social progress,
Inspired by the ideals of the struggle against imperialism,
colonialism, neocolonialism, racism and apartheid,
Determined to contribute towards strengthening the peace
and security of all peoples,
Resolved to further develop the social and economic
achievements of the two States and to assist each other in this
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