International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Treaty between the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen and Ethiopia

determination to preserve the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea as
zones of peace; their desire for a just and durable peace in the
ME and their (?adherence) to the principles and objectives of
the UN Charter, including respect for sovereignty, national
independence, territorial integrity and noninterference I the
internal affairs of other countries, the PDRY and socialist
Ethiopia have decided to conclude a friendship and co-opera-
tion treaty.
Article 1. The two sovereign contracting parties undertake to
develop the close friendship and co-operation between the
PDRY and socialist Ethiopia on the basis of the principles of
equality, mutual benefit, mutual respect for sovereignty,
national independence and territorial integrity and noninter-
ference in the internal affairs of the other.
Article 2. The two sovereign contracting parties will co-oper-
ate closely and comprehensively to protect the economic and
social gains of their two peoples and sovereignty over natural
Article 3. The two sovereign contracting parties will work to
entrench and expand mutual economic, scientific, technical and
trade co-operation in the interests of the two peoples and coun-
tries. They will develop and deepen mutual co-operation in the
fields of industry, agriculture, communications, the training of
cadres and in other economic fields.
Article 4. The two sovereign contracting parties will work to
develop and consolidate mutual co-operation and exchange of
experience in the fields of science, culture, the arts, literature,
education, health, journalism, broadcasting, television, cinema,
tourism and sports with the aid of deepening their people’s
common understanding of their life, work and experience and
Article 5. The two sovereign contracting parties agree to
enter into trade agreements on a most favoured nation basis.
Article 6. The two sovereign contracting parties will mutu-
ally cooperate in the military field, each to assure the defensive
capability of the other.
Article 7. The two sovereign contracting parties will con-
tinue their efforts to strengthen the unity of the nonaligned
movement and to apply its principles to promote international
détente and world peace, and friendship and co-operation
among peoples and to back the struggle against imperialism,
colonialism, neocolonialism, expansionism, apartheid and
racism in all their forms and manifestations.
Socialist Ethiopia respect the peace-loving foreign policy
pursued by the PDRY based on the principles of internationalist
solidarity and peaceful coexistence, aimed at strengthening
Arab solidarity and opposed to imperialism, colonialism, neo-
colonialism, expansionism and racism in all their forms and
The PDRY respects the peace-loving foreign policy pursued
by socialist Ethiopia, which accords with the goals and princi-
ples of the Organization of African Unity Charter and consti-
tutes and important factor in the development of international
co-operation and peaceful coexistence.

Article 8. The two sovereign contracting parties will con-
tinue their active and peaceful efforts to preserve the Red Sea
and the Indian Ocean as a zone of peace and to maintain the
freedom of shipping in the Red Sea.
Article 9. The two sovereign contracting parties will con-
tinue their efforts to develop and strengthen the relations of
peace and co-operation among all the Red Sea littoral countries.
Article 10. The two sovereign contracting parties will consult
on important international issues directly relevant to the inter-
ests of their countries.
Article 11. The two sovereign contracting parties will con-
tinue their active efforts to find a just and durable peace in the
Article 12. The two sovereign contracting parties will con-
tinue their efforts to maintain international peace and security
and to deepen international détente. They will contribute posi-
tively to the solidarity and growth of the nonaligned move-
ment. They will contribute energetically to the issue of general
and comprehensive disarmament, including nuclear disarma-
ment under effective international surveillance.
Article 13. [Passage indistinct] and for the sake of complete
destruction of colonialism, neocolonialism, apartheid and
racism in all their forms and manifestations and for the sake of
full application of the UN declaration to grant independence to
the colonized countries and peoples.
Article 14. The two sovereign contracting parties will con-
tinue their efforts to bring about the establishment of a new
international economic order founded on the principles of
equality, justice, democracy and sovereignty over natural
Article 15. Each of the two sovereign contracting parties
declares officially that it will not enter into military alliances or
other alliances: it will not join any blocs of states or engage in
any actions or measures directed against the other sovereign
contracting side.
Article 16. The two sovereign contracting parties declare that
the provisions of this treaty do not contradict their undertak-
ings under the international agreements in force. They under-
take not to conclude any international agreements contradict-
ing this treaty.
Article 17. Any issue which may arise between the two sover-
eign contracting parties as to the interpretation or application
of any provisions of this treaty shall be solved bilaterally in the
spirit of friendship, understanding and mutual respect.
Article 18. This treaty shall remain in force for a period of 15
years from the date it comes into effect and unless either of the
sovereign contracting parties express its desire to end the treaty
six months before its expiration the treaty shall remain in force
for successive periods, each of which will not be longer than five
years or until either of the sovereign contracting parties declares
its intention to end it six months before the expiration of the
five-year period.
Article 19. This treaty requires ratification in conformity
with constitutional measures in operation in the countries of
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