International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Exchange of Notes between the Republic of Italy and Malta

(a) Strengthen economic, political, cultural and military co-
operation between the two countries with a view to the
realization of the aspirations of the two fraternal peoples;
(b) Combat all forms of colonialism, neo-colonialism and
imperialism throughout the African continent;
(c) Resist any foreign invasion of the African continent;
(d) Oppose the exploitation and oppression of the peoples,
support the struggle of the African masses for freedom
from all forms of domination and uphold the right of the
peoples to self-determination.
Article 4. The two Parties undertake not to be bound by any
treaty, agreement or alliance with any country or countries that
is inconsistent with the provisions of this Treaty.
Article 5. The two Parties shall ensure personal freedom of
movement between the two countries, without any impedi-
ments or restrictions.
Article 6. The Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya shall
make its economic, material and cultural resources available for
the economic and military reconstruction of Chad. The Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya shall also provide the people of Chad with
educational and cultural opportunities.
Article 7. The Republic of Chad undertakes not to permit the
presence of any foreign base or colonialist, imperialist troops in
its national territory and reserves the right to call upon the
Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for assistance in the
event of a threat to its independence, territorial integrity or
internal security, in accordance with the provisions of article 1.
Article 8. The provisions of this Treaty shall enter into force
on the date of signature. A Joint Libyan-Chadian-High Com-
mission shall be established to ensure the practical implementa-
tion of the provisions of this Treaty. The records of the Com-
mission shall constitute an integral part of the Treaty.
Done at Tripoli on 2 Sha’ban 1389 from the death of the
Prophet, corresponding to 15 June 1980, in duplicate in the
Arabic and French languages, both texts being equally authen-
For the Republic of Chad:
[Signed] IBRAHIM Youssouf
For the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya:
[Signed] ALI TREKI

4.1418 Exchange of Notes Constituting an

Agreement between the Government of the

Republic of Italy and the Government of Malta

on the Neutrality of Malta

Alliance Members:Italy and Malta
Signed On:September 15, 1980, in the city of Rome. In force until
December 5, 1984.
Alliance Type:Entente (Type III)

Source:United Nations Treaty,no. 19962.

Malta rests in a historically important geostrategic location, in the
middle of the Mediterranean, within easy reach of North Africa and
half of Europe by most modern aircraft. Malta has attempted to use
this position to seek aid in exchange for neutrality, trying to secure
guarantees from Western nations such as the United States. Malta
ousted a NATO (see Alliance no. 4.1347) base and signaled Washing-
ton that it would seek guarantees from the Soviet Union should the
United States not offer a guarantee first.
Italy took the initiative and provided a grant of $80 million plus $15
million in soft loans ending in 1983. On September 15, 1980, the gov-
ernments of Malta and Italy met to verbally exchange the official secu-
rity notes. During the exchange, Malta affirmed its stance of neutrality
and committed to not use its military offensively or to allow the use of
its bases, except in self-defense. Italy agreed not to engage in actions
that threatened Malta, to consult with Malta regarding security con-
cerns, to provide aid, and to support any efforts by Malta in the United
Nations if its security were threatened. Italy provided one exclusionary
note, stating that if Malta were to change its stance of neutrality, then
Italy could withdraw from the agreement.
On December 5, 1984, the Maltese prime minister, Dom Mintoff, told
Parliament that the agreement with Italy would not be renewed as
economic assistance had ended. Mintoff also announced a military
agreement with Libya, including a Libyan pledge to intervene on
Malta’s behalf (see Alliance no. 4.1432).

Alliance Text

Exchange of Notes Constituting an Agreement Between
the Government of the Republic of Italy and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Malta on the Neutrality of Malta

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Government of the Republic of Malta presents its
compliments to the Embassy of Italy in Valletta and in rela-
tion to the conversations which have taken place between the
Representatives of the two Governments, has the honour to
confirm that it will make a Declaration of neutrality of the
territory over which it exercises its sovereignty, in the terms of
the text annexed to this Note, and to request the Government
of the Republic of Italy to make a Declaration recognizing
such neutrality in the terms of the text also annexed to this
The Government of the Republic of Malta confirms its
agreement that, in connection with the said Declarations, there
shall simultaneously enter into force the Protocol, agreed
between the Representatives of both Governments in the terms
of the text annexed to the present Note, concerning the finan-
cial, economic and technical assistance which the Republic of
Malta will receive from the Republic of Italy.
This Note Verbale and the Note Verbale in reply thereto of
the Italian Government to the Embassy of the Republic of Malta
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