International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Agreement between Gambia and Senegal Concerning Establishment of a Senegambia Confederation

Article 10. In order to implement the provisions of this
Treaty, the Contracting Parties shall hold periodic consultations
at various levels for the exchange of views concerning the devel-
opment of relations between the two States and concerning
international questions of mutual interest.
In the event of situations which disturb or threaten peace,
the Contracting Parties shall immediately contact each other
and consult with a view to coordinating their efforts in the
interest of ending the threatening situation or restoring peace.
Article 11. Each Contracting Party solemnly undertakes not
to participate in any alliance, action or activity directed against
the other Party.
Article 12. The Contracting Parties declare that their obliga-
tions arising out of other international agreements concluded
by them are not contrary to the provisions of this Treaty, and
they undertake not to enter into any international agreement
inconsistent with this Treaty.
Article 13. Any questions that may arise between the Con-
tracting Parties with regard to the interpretation or application
of any provision of this Treaty shall be settled in the spirit of
friendship, understanding and mutual respect through direct
bilateral negotiations.
Article 14. This Treaty shall be subject to ratification and
shall enter into force on the date of the exchange of the instru-
ments of ratification, which shall take place at Luanda, the capi-
tal of the People’s Republic of Angola.
Article 15. This Treaty shall remain in force for a period of 20
years after the date of its entry into force and shall be automati-
cally extended for further periods of five years unless one of the
Parties declares in writing, at least one year before the date of
expiry, its intention to denounce the Treaty.
Done at Budapest on 9 October 1981, in duplicate in the
Hungarian and Portuguese languages, both texts being equally
For the Hungarian People’s Republic:
President of the Presidential Council of the Hungar-
ian People’s Republic
For the People’s Republic of Angola:
Chairman of the MPLA—Labour Party and Presi-
dent of the People’s Republic of Angola

4.1425 Agreement between the Republic of The

Gambia and the Republic of Senegal Concern-

ing the Establishment of a Senegambia Con-


Alliance Members:Gambia and Senegal
Signed On:December 17, 1981, in the city of Dakar (Senegal). In
force until September 21, 1989.
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)

Source:United Nations Treaty,no. 20735.

In September 1981, President Dawda Jawara of Gambia was over-
thrown by a left-wing political uprising. At the request of President
Jawara, Senegalese forces then moved into the Gambian capital city of
Banjul and put down the coup d’état. This important act of coopera-
tion gave way to an alliance, and four months later, on December 17,
President Abdou Diouf of Senegal agreed to a treaty of unification.
The treaty of unification between Gambia and Senegal established a
Senegambia confederation that included principally the integration of
the armed forces in order to defend the sovereignty, territory, and
security of the new state, and a monetary union to foster economic
growth. In addition to economic and military integration, the two
states agreed to coordinate their foreign policies, telecommunications,
and road construction.
During the course of the alliance, the two countries formed a confed-
eration army and parliament and jointly coordinated numerous poli-
cies. The alliance began to suffer, however, as the Gambian public
feared a push for greater unification that might cost Gambia its inde-
pendence. Similar problems festered over control of the economy:
while Gambia adopted a British-style, liberal trade policy, Senegal
maintained strong protectionist policies, including a high tariff rate.
These policy differences eventually proved too great, and the alliance
eventually collapsed. On September 21, 1989, President Jawara for-
mally dissolved the Senegambia Confederation.

Alliance Text
The Republic of the Gambia and the Republic of Senegal,
Aware that they constitute a single people divided into two
States by the vicissitudes of History;
Taking due account of the geographical fact of their ties;
Conscious of the historical, moral and material imperatives
which unite the two countries;
Considering the many past and present experiments made
with a view to rapprochement, solidarity and sub-regional and
regional cooperation;
Respectful of the Charter of the United Nations, the Charter
of the Organisation of African Unity and the Treaty of the Eco-
nomic Community of West African States;
Affirming their devotion to the rights of their peoples
declared in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948;
in the United Nations Covenants on Human Rights; and in the
African Charter of Human and Peoples Rights of 1981;
Intending to strengthen the unity of their defence and their
economies and co-ordination of their policies in other fields;
Resolved to establish an institutional framework, consistent
with national sovereignty and democratic principles, within
which these intentions may be gradually realized,
Have decided to create a Confederation and have agreed as

[Section I]. Principles
Clause 1. By this Agreement a Confederation of the Republic
of the Gambia and the Republic of Senegal [is] constituted with
the name of the Senegambia Confederation.
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