International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Treaty of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Swaziland and the Republic of South Africa which resulted in
mutual agreement between our respective Governments to the
effect that both Governments are aware of the fact that interna-
tional terrorism, in all its manifestations, poses a real threat to
international peace and security and that our respective Gov-
ernments should take steps to protect our respective states and
nationals against this threat.
Therefore, I now have the honour to inform you that the
Government of the Republic of South Africa proposes the fol-
lowing Agreement between our respective Governments:
Article 1. The Contracting Parties undertake to combat ter-
rorism, insurgency and subversion individually and collectively
and shall call upon each other wherever possible for such assis-
tance and steps as may be deemed necessary or expedient to
eliminate this evil.
Article 2. In the conduct of their mutual relations the Con-
tracting Parties shall furthermore respect each other’s inde-
pendence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and shall refrain
from the unlawful threat or use of force and from any other act
which is inconsistent with the purposes and principles of good
Article 3. The Contracting Parties shall live in peace and fur-
ther develop and maintain friendly relations with each other
and shall therefore not allow any activities within their respec-
tive territories directed towards the commission of any act
which involves a threat or use of force against each other’s terri-
torial integrity.
Article 4. The Contracting Parties shall not allow within
their respective territories the installation or maintenance of
foreign military bases or the presence of foreign military units
except in accordance with their right of self-defence in the event
of armed attacks as provided for in the charter of the United
Nations and only after due notification to the other.
Should the Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland agree
with the abovementioned provisions, this letter and your affir-
mative reply thereto shall constitute an Agreement between our
two Governments.
Please accept, Your Majesty, the renewed assurance of my
highest consideration.

4.1427 Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation

between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

and the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab


Alliance Members:Czechoslovakia and Libya
Signed On:September 9, 1982, in the city of Prague (Czech Repub-
lic). In force until December 10, 1989.
Alliance Type:Non-Aggression Pact (Type II)

Source:United Nations Treaty,no. 22736.

Czechoslovakian ties to Libya date to the Libyan socialist revolution of
the 1960s. Following the Soviets’ lead, many communist nations estab-
lished treaties of cooperation with budding socialist republics around
the world. During the next twenty years, Czechoslovak-Libyan rela-
tions grew strong enough to warrant formalization with this treaty of
friendship and alliance. In addition to military cooperation, the treaty
strengthened economic and commercial ties between the two nations,
which buoyed the Libyan economy.
The alliance effectively ended with regime change in Czechoslovakia.
Trade ties suffered further when Czechoslovakia’s new government
joined the prevailing international consensus and denounced Libyan
involvement in terrorist activities and levied sanctions against Colonel
Gadhafi’s government.

Alliance Text
The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Socialist People’s
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,
Believing that the further strengthening of friendship and
the intensification of comprehensive co-operation between
them is in the interest of the peoples of the two friendly coun-
tries and in the interest of consolidating international peace and
Resolved to continue contributing, in the spirit of anti-
imperialistic solidarity, to the strengthening of unity and co-
operation between all progressive and peace-loving forces
struggling against imperialism, for peace and the freedom of
peoples, and for independence, democracy and social progress,
Declaring their desire to continue taking an active part in the
struggle against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism,
zionism and racism in all their forms and manifestations,
Reaffirming their loyalty to the purposes and principles of
the Charter of the United Nations, especially the principles of
sovereign equality and non-interference in internal affairs,
Emphasizing the importance of further developing and
strengthening the relations between them,
Have decided to conclude this Treaty and have agreed as fol-
Article 1. The High Contracting Parties solemnly declare
their determination to strengthen the firm friendship between
the two countries and to develop constantly their reciprocal
relations and the comprehensive co-operation between them on
the basis of equality, respect for sovereignty, political independ-
ence, territorial integrity and non-interference in internal
Article 2. The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic appreciates
the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya’s policy based on
the principles and purposes of nonalignment, guided by the
struggle against imperialism, for national liberation and for the
strengthening of peace and co-operation between States.
The Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya appreciates
the foreign policy of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic as an
important contribution to the safeguarding of peace, the
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