International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

“Union of States” between the Kingdom of Morocco and Libya

order to bring about the consolidation of the Arab Maghreb,
and take a historic step forward towards the realization of the
unity of the Arab nation which will allow the avoidance of the
dangers which confront the Arab nation, the Islamic world, and
principally Palestine and Jerusalem.
The treaty instituting the Union of States between the two
nations has been signed, but will not enter into force until after
receiving the approval of the two peoples, in conformity with
the existing procedures in each of the two countries.
Done in Oujda, Monday August 13, 1984

Treaty of Union of States

Following is an unofficial translation of the Treaty of the Union
of States concluded between the Kingdom of Morocco and the
Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
The Kingdom of Morocco and the Socialist People’s Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya , aware of the dangers confronting the Arab
nation and the Moslem world in general and Palestine and
Jerusalem in particular, as a result of the policy of violence and
aggressions carried out by Zionists who, stirred by pride and
blinded by arrogance, continue to threaten the sacred values of
Islam and to violate the rights of Moslems and Arabs, rejecting
the principles and ideals an which the international community
is founded and disregarding the resolutions emanating from
international organizations of all levels;
Considering that, in order to avert the dangers threatening
the Arab nation and the Moslem world, and in particular Pales-
tine and Jerusalem, it is necessary to achieve an identity of
views, and mobilize efforts with a view to driving back aggres-
sion and assuring the triumph of justice, the safeguarding of
Arab and Moslem interests and the defense of their right to
existence and dignity;
Convinced that the adoption of such conduct will constitute
a positive factor enabling the Arab nation and the Moslem
world to regain their glory of yore, to occupy in the world a
place worthy of their prestigious past and to devote their efforts
to work for the promotion of their peoples and to prepare them
to enter the twenty-first century, armed with everything that
can provide them with a high rank among developed peoples:
in scientific and technical areas as well as in other areas of
human progress and civilization;
Taking into account the obstacles facing the materialization
of Arab unity as was proven by the failures of previous experi-
ences, and considering that wisdom requires drawing lessons
from setbacks, as a result of having under-estimated the diffi-
culties of such an undertaking, and that the best conduct to
adopt in this area consists of persevering an untiring action to
progressively attain the expected aim, without hurrying its con-
ception or improvising its implementation;
Aware, more particularly, of the solid ties existing among the
peoples of the Arab Maghreb, united by their common origin,
geography, history, religion, language and similar way of life and
civilization, and taking into account the old aspiration of these

peoples and their leaders to establish among them a union that
will strengthen their relationship founded on neighborliness
and common destiny, that will enable them to proceed on the
way to creating an integrated set that will have considerable
weight in political and economic areas among the peoples of
the developed world, and notably among those of the Mediter-
ranean Basin;
Wishing to meet these aspirations and to contribute to their
materialization, in a realistic way, so that they become a reality;
Considering that the best means to attain this goal is to insti-
tute between them a union likely to become a starting point f or
the establishment of larger structures whose aim will be to serve
the unity of Arab and Moslem peoples and to meet their aspira-
Considering that this union constitutes an essential contri-
bution to the unity of the Arab Maghreb, and, consequently, a
historical step on the way to the achievement of the unity of the
Arab nation;
The two leaders agreed upon the following:
Article First. Under the name of an Arab-African Union, a
Union of States between the Kingdom of Morocco and the
Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya is established.
Article 2. The supreme body of the Union is the Chairman-
ship, jointly exercised by His Majesty the King of Morocco and
His Excellency the Leader of the September First Revolution.
Only the Chairmanship of the Union has the decision-mak-
ing powers.
Article 3. Under the authority of the Chairmanship, a Per-
manent secretariat is established.
The Permanent Secretariat’s Headquarters is alternately
based in each of the two countries.
It is comprised of a permanent delegation in each of the
The Secretary General is of the nationality of the state on
whose territory the Permanent
Secretariat is not based.
The Assistant Secretary General is of the other nationality.
The alternation of Secretary General and headquarters
occurs every two years.
Article 4. The Union is comprised of the following Councils:

  • A Political Council

  • A Defense Council

  • An Economic Council

  • A Council of Cultural and Technical Action
    These Councils are, by decision of the Chairmanship, com-
    posed by equal parts, of delegates of each of the two states.
    These Councils, being consultative in nature, are charged,
    each its area of competence, with:

  • Studying issues submitted to it by the Chairmanship

  • Proposing solutions

  • Preparing any useful projects at the request of the Chair-
    Article 5. The Union is provided with an Assembly of Union
    composed of members of the House of Representatives of the

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