International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Soviet-French Cooperation Treaty

justice and solidarity;
striving, through interaction and co-operation with other
states, to ensure humanity a period of peace and prosperity;
aware of their special responsibility as permanent members
of the Security Council for maintaining international peace and
loyal to the UN Charter and confirming the obligations
undertaken by them within the framework of the Conference
on Security and Co-operation in Europe;
and taking into consideration the powers of the European
Communities and the prospects for the transformation of these
communities into a political alliance, and equally the transfor-
mations taking place in the Soviet Union;
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the French
Republic have resolved to impart a new quality to the policy of
accord pursued by them and for this purpose, have agreed on
the following
Article One. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the
French Republic look upon one another as friendly states and
base their relations on trust, solidarity and co-operation.


Article Two. The sides are pooling their efforts to overcome
the division of the European continent into antagonistic blocs
and transform it into a peaceful Europe of solidarity endowed
with permament mechanisms of security and co-operation.
They stress the role that the CSCE process should play in this.
The sides are to facilitate the transformation of Europe into a
community of law and democracy. They are to co-operate to
strengthen the bonds of solidarity, resulting in turning Europe
into a common home and creating a European confederation,
of themselves and all European states.
Article Three. The creation of a single community for the
whole of Europe presupposes that each of the European states
shall base their systems and policies on the following principles

  • the right of all peoples freely to determine their destiny
    without external interference and carry out their eco-
    nomic, social and cultural development as they see fit;

  • respect for the dignity and rights of man, protection of
    basic freedoms, the creation of a law- governed state and
    the safeguarding of democracy;

  • respect for social justice, collective freedoms and individual

  • protection of the natural assets and cultures of all nations.
    The creation of such a Europe also presupposes that rela-
    tions between European states shall be determined by the fol-
    lowing principles

  • respect for sovereign equality, territorial integrity and
    political independence;

  • inviolability of frontiers;

  • renunciation of the threat or use of force, apart from those
    cases envisaged by the UN Charter;

  • the right of every state to decide for itself on the defensive
    measures and alliances that it needs, whilst observing

international undertakings;

  • an undertaking to resolve disputes by peaceful means in
    accordance with international law;

  • acceptance of general juridical principles as a means of
    harmonising the legal systems of European countries.
    The Soviet Union and France undertake to promote all of
    these principles.
    Article Four. France pledges to promote the development of
    deeper relations and the conclusion of agreements between the
    Soviet Union and the European Communities. French obliga-
    tions under the bilateral Soviet-French agreement are in accor-
    dance with the competence that belongs to the European Com-
    munities and the judicial norms adopted by the institution of
    these communities.
    Article Five. The sides are to facilitate the development of co-
    operation in Europe, accompanied by simplification of the
    bonds of solidarity between Europe and other regions and con-

International Security and Co-operation
Article Six. The Soviet Union and France have agreed to
expand and deepen the consultations being held between their
The subject of these consultations will be the key problem of
today, the strengthening of security and co-operation in Europe
and the world, the development of bilateral relations and any
other issues which are of mutual interest.
The sides will strive to bring their positions as close as possi-
ble with the aim of carrying out joint or co-ordinated actions.
They are to co-operate in the area of analysing and forecast-
ing the basic trends of world developments by means of holding
special consultations and carrying out joint research.
In the event of situations arising which, in the opinion of
either side, create a threat to the world or violate peace or which
give rise to international tension, the governments of the Soviet
Union and France shall immediately contact each other in order
to reach accords on all aspects of these situations, harmonise
their positions as much as possible and reach agreement on
measures that may make it possible to improve the position or
handle the situation and act jointly.
If either side takes the view that a situation arising concerns
its highest security interests it may ask the other side for consul-
tations on this issue to take place between them immediately.
Article Seven. In their international activity the USSR and
France are proceeding from the fact that concord and co-opera-
tion between them represent an important constant factor in
world politics. They shall step up interaction in the spheres of
ensuring international security, developing co-operation in the
world and effectively fulfilling the provisions in the UN Charter.
They shall assist the prevention of international conflicts.
The sides recognise the primacy of the international law in
international relations.
Proceeding from the inadmissibility of the threat of force
and its use in international relations they shall take advantage of
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