International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Soviet-French Cooperation Treaty

invested capital.
They shall aid the widest possible exchange of economic
information and access to information for business people and
scholars from both countries.
Article 17. Wishing to assist the transition of the USSR to a
market economy, the sides shall pay special attention to the
development of co-operation in this direction, including in par-
ticular the training of qualified specialists for working in the
economic and social spheres. If necessary they shall conclude
agreements to this effect.
Article 18. The sides shall hold consultations and implement
co-operation programmes on problems of the economy, law,
the organisation of structures and state administration.
Article 19. Striving fully to exploit the technological achieve-
ments of the modern world, the USSR and France shall develop
co-operation in the spheres of fundamental and applied
research, while taking into account the economic and industrial
feasibility of implementing its results. They shall assist the pro-
motion of joint projects which may fit in with European and
international programmes.
In the sphere of the latest technology the sides shall encour-
age the creation of associations and joint projects, while
respecting appropriate national rules and especially having in
mind the enhancement of the level of competence and effi-
ciency of managers’ activities.
They shall promote an exchange of young highly qualified
research staff and scientists.
Article 20. The Soviet Union and France, relying on the long-
standing traditions of close cultural links between the peoples
of both countries and wishing to make a more active contribu-
tion to the creation of a cultural space open to all European
peoples, shall develop their own exchanges in the spheres of cul-
ture, education and information.
The sides shall facilitate the conclusion of agreements
between higher educational establishments and research centres
and co-operation between universities in Europe taking into
account appropriate European programmes. They shall also
encourage the study of the languages of the peoples of the
Soviet Union in France and the French language in the Soviet
Union. The standing committee for education issues is empow-
ered, acting within the framework of the Soviet-French com-
mission for cultural co-operation, to aid the advancement of a
whole set of these issues.
Devoting special attention to projects which are part of the
European perspective, the Soviet Union and France shall
encourage joint initiatives in the sphere of the audio-visual
media, cinematography, book publishing, theatre, music and
the fine arts.
Article 21. With the aims of more extensive acquaintance
and mutual understanding between Soviet and French youth,
the sides shall encourage the development of exchanges
between the two countries on various levels.

Other Spheres of Co-operation
Article 22. The Soviet Union and France shall develop
humanitarian co-operation, aiding in particular the activities of
charitable organisations from both countries.
Article 23. Competent bodies of the Soviet Union and
France shall co-operate in the struggle against organised crime
and the illegal traffic in drugs and contraband, including the
illegal transport of works of art across borders.
They shall strive to establish appropriate co-operation in the
struggle against international terrorism.
Article 24. The sides shall develop and deepen contacts and
exchanges on military lines. They shall regularly, on a bilateral
and multilateral basis, exchange opinions on military doctrines.
Meetings at the level of the general staff of the USSR armed
forces and the staff of the French armed forces as well as the
headquarters of the different branches of the armed forces shall
be held regularly.
Bilateral exchange programmes between the armed forces of
the USSR and France, directed towards strengthening mutual
understanding and trust, shall be elaborated.
Article 25. The Soviet Union and France commit themselves,
within the shortest possible time-limits, to reaching agreement
on the settlement of mutual financial and property claims, con-
cerning the interests of actual and legal persons of both coun-
Article 26. The sides commit themselves to taking the neces-
sary measures aimed at simplifying on the basis of reciprocity
the procedure for issuing and extending visas.
They shall render, on a reciprocal basis, the utmost assistance
in the activities on their territories of the diplomatic and con-
sular representations of the other side.
They shall conclude between them an agreement on mutual
legal aid in civic affairs.
Article 27. The statutes of this treaty do not affect in any way
the sides’ obligations to the third states and are not directed
against any of them.
Article 28. This treaty is concluded for a period of ten years.
Its validity shall be automatically renewed for further five-year
periods if neither of the contracting parties notifies the other
about its decision to renounce the treaty in writing one year in
advance of the given period.
This treaty is subject to ratification in accordance with the
constitutional procedures of each side party and shall take effect
after 30 days upon the exchange of the ratification documents.
Executed in Rambouillet on 29th October 1990, in two
copies, each in French and Russian and both having equal force.
For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics USSR
President M. Gorbachev; Minister of Foreign Affairs
E. Shevardnadze;
For the Republic of France President of the French
Republic F. Mitterrand; Premier M. Rocard; Minister
of Foreign Affairs R. Dumas
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