International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

chapter five:21st Century

5.1450 Protocol on Politics, Defence, and Security
Cooperation by the Southern African Development
Community 540
August 14, 2001
5.1451 Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the
Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Albania 544
November 22, 2001
5.1452 Joint Statement between the Government of the People’s
Republic of China and the Government of the Republic
of the Fiji Islands on Consolidating and Promoting
Friendly Relations and Cooperation 546
May 27, 2002
5.1453 Treaty on Allied Relations between Russia and
Uzbekistan 547
November 14, 2005
5.1454 Memorandum of Understanding between Iran
and Syria 548
June 15, 2006
5.1455 Dakar Agreement between Chad and Sudan 548
March 13, 2008

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