International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Joint Statement between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of the Fiji Islands

taught and disseminated.
Particular assistance shall be given to teacher training and
the facilities required for access to teaching materials and spe-
cialized literature and for the use of audio-visual and computer
Each of the Parties shall foster cooperation in the area of the
media and dissemination of the printed works of the other
Article XII. The Contracting Parties shall develop and facili-
tate their cooperation in the areas of public health, social assis-
tance, physical education, sport and tourism, as well as the
development of youth exchanges.
Article XIII. The Contracting Parties shall pay special atten-
tion to enhancing relations between the Parliaments of Spain
and Albania.
Taking into consideration the constitutional systems of the
two States, the Parties shall support direct contacts and cooper-
ation between regional and local authorities.
In the same spirit, the Parties shall facilitate cooperation
between the political, social and trade-union organizations of
the two countries.
Article XIV. The Contracting Parties shall develop coopera-
tion in the international legal sphere pursuant to the existing
international conventions.
Article XV. The Parties shall cooperate in combating organ-
ized crime and illegal drug trafficking through the exchange of
experience and practical information between their competent
The Parties also undertake to cooperate in combating terror-
ism, hijacking of means of maritime and air transport and
smuggling, including the import, export and illegal transfer of
ownership of cultural assets.
Article XVI. The provisions of this Treaty shall not affect the
rights and obligations arising from international bilateral or
multilateral treaties concluded by the Kingdom of Spain and
the Republic of Albania with third States.
Article XVII. This Treaty shall be ratified by each of the Par-
ties and shall enter into force thirty days after the exchange of
the respective instruments of ratification.
This Treaty shall be valid for ten years, being tacitly renew-
able for five-year periods. When one of the Parties wishes to
denounce the Treaty, it must notify the other Party in writing
through the diplomatic channel one year before the end of each
period of validity.
DONE at Tirana on 22 November 2001 in two copies in
Spanish and Albanian, both texts being equally authentic.
For the Kingdom of Spain:
Secretary of State for European Affairs

For the Republic of Albania:
Minister for Foreign Affairs

5.1452 Joint Statement between the Govern-

ment of the People’s Republic of China and the

Government of the Republic of the Fiji Islands

on Consolidating and Promoting Friendly

Relations and Cooperation

Alliance Members:China and Fiji
Signed On:May 27, 2002, in the city of Beijing (China). In force as of
date of publication of this volume.
Alliance Type:Non-Aggression Pact (Type II)
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China,

This treaty, signed before a meeting between the Fijian prime minister
and President Jiang Zemin of China, included recognition by Fiji of
the one-China policy, in which Taiwan is considered a wayward terri-
tory of a greater China. As part of the agreement, the two countries
pledged economic and political cooperation. Additional treaties signed
during the visit included frameworks for greater trade and economic
The treaty represents an effort by China to reach out to various coun-
tries in the Pacific Ocean area and establish stronger ties. In the case of
Fiji, China’s foreign policy also extended to closer military ties; in
December 2002, the Chinese government donated military equipment
and training to the Fijian army. The treaty remains in force as cooper-
ation between the two countries continues to improve.

Alliance Text
Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase of the Republic of the Fiji
Islands paid an official visit to the People’s Republic of China
from 27 May to 1 June 2002 at the invitation of Premier Zhu
Rongji of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China.
Premier Zhu Rongji and Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase had an
in-depth exchange of views on the bilateral relations, regional
situation and international issues of shared interest in a warm
and friendly atmosphere, and they reached broad consensus.

  1. The two sides cherish their profound friendship and
    mutually beneficial relations and cooperation in all fields.
    They are of the view that it is in the fundamental and long-
    term interest of both countries to push forward the long-term,
    steady and overall development of their relations on the basis of
    the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial
    integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each
    other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peace-
    ful coexistence. They reiterate their strict observance of the
    Joint Communique of the Government of the People’s Republic
    of China and the Government of Fiji on the Establishment of
    Diplomatic Relations Between China and Fiji.

  2. The two sides are ready to strengthen political dialogue at
    all levels, and encourage and support exchanges and coopera-
    tion between the Governments, parliaments, other official insti-
    tutions, local governments and social organizations of the two
    countries so as to enhance mutual understanding and trust.

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