International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Alphabetical Treaty Index

3.1174 Alliance between Colombia and Ecuador 163
January 1, 1864

3.1163 Alliance between France and Austria-Hungary 149
December 22, 1854

2.1085 Alliance between Hungary and Saxony 93
December 20, 1743

3.1179 Alliance between Italy and Prussia 168
April 8, 1866

3.1173 Alliance between Peru and Bolivia 161
November 5, 1863

3.1182 Alliance between Prussia and Baden 170
August 17, 1866

3.1184 Alliance between Prussia and Bavaria 172
August 22, 1866

3.1185 Alliance between Prussia and Hesse-Darmstadt 173
April 11, 1867

3.1183 Alliance between Prussia and Mecklenburg-
Schwerin 172
August 21, 1866

3.1181 Alliance between Prussia and Württemberg 169
August 13, 1866

3.1149 Alliance between Russia and Prussia 133
October 16, 1833

3.1144 Alliance between Sardinia and the Two Sicilies against
the Barbary Regencies 129
March 28, 1833

1.1030 Alliance between the Holy Roman Empire and
Poland 24
April 24, 1677

3.1196 Alliance of Romania with Austria-Hungary, Germany,
and Italy 188
October 30, 1883

3.1172 The Alvensleben Convention 160
February 8, 1863

4.1205 Anglo-Japanese Alliance 212
January 30, 1902

1.1000 Anglo-Portuguese Alliance 4
Renewed in 1648, with the original treaty signed,
June 16, 1373

2.1064 Articles of Offensive and Defensive Alliance
in Asia 68
August 20, 1721

4.1319 Australia-New Zealand Agreement 346
January 21, 1944

3.1180 Austro-French Convention of June 12, 1866 169
June 12, 1866

3.1193 Austro-Serbian Alliance of 1881 182
June 16, 1881

4.1278 Balkan Pact of Alliance 295
February 9, 1934

4.1371 Charter for the Union of African States 420
April 29, 1961

4.1386 Charter of the Union of Central African States 438
April 2, 1968
3.1171 Convention among France, Great Britain, and
Spain relative to combined operations against
Mexico 160
October 31, 1861
3.1161 Convention between Austria and Turkey relative to the
occupation of the Danubian Principalities
(Convention of Boyadji-Keuy) 146
June 14, 1854
3.1142 Convention between Belgium and France, relative to
the entrance of a French Army into Belgium 129
November 10, 1832
3.1159 Convention between France and Great Britain Relative
to Military Aid Being Given to Turkey 144
April 10, 1854
3.1141 Convention between France and Great Britain relative
to the Netherlands 127
October 22, 1832
3.1176 Convention between France and Italy for the
Protection of the Pontificate Territory by Italy and the
Evacuation of Rome within Five Years (September
Convention) 165
September 15, 1864
2.1107 Convention between Great Britain and the Two
Sicilies 101
July 12, 1793
2.1106 Convention between Spain and England 101
May 25, 1793
4.1233 Convention for a Defensive Alliance between the
Polish Republic and the Kingdom of Romania 238
March 3, 1921
4.1289 Convention for the Maintenance, Preservation, and
Reestablishment of Peace 316
December 23, 1936
3.1151 Convention for the Pacification of the Levant
among Austria, Great Britain, Prussia and
Russia, and Turkey (London Convention) 136
July 15, 1840
4.1215 Convention in Regard to Manchuria 222
July 4, 1910
2.1094 Convention of Alliance among Austria-Hungary,
Great Britain, Modena, and Tuscany 97
May 11, 1753
2.1054 Convention of Alliance between Russia and
England 48
October 17, 1715
4.1234 Convention of Alliance between the Kingdom of
Romania and the Czechoslovak Republic 239
April 23, 1921
4.1228 Convention of Alliance between the Kingdom of the
Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes and the Czechoslovak
Republic 232
August 14, 1920

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