International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Alphabetical Treaty Index

3.1191 Convention of Defensive Alliance between Great
Britain and Turkey 180
June 4, 1878

4.1235 Convention of Defensive Alliance between Romania
and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and
Slovenes 240
June 7, 1921

3.1189 Convention of Schönbrunn 177
May 25, 1873

4.1208 Convention Respecting Morocco between France and
Spain 215
October 3, 1904

3.1120 Convention Respecting Neutrality and
Subsidies 113
March 19, 1804

5.1455 Dakar Agreement between Chad and Sudan 548
March 13, 2008

4.1366 Defence Agreement among the French Republic, the
Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo,
and the Republic of Chad 411
August 15, 1960

4.1368 Defence Agreement between the French Republic and
the Gabonese Republic 414
August 17, 1960

4.1399 Defence and Security Treaty between Niger and
Libya 459
March 9, 1974

4.1407 Defense and Non-Aggression Pact between Guinea and
Liberia 468
January 23, 1979

4.1449 Defense Pact among the Gulf Cooperation
Council 536
December 31, 2000

4.1410 Defense Pact between Angola and Zambia 471
May 10, 1979

4.1239 Defense Pact between Estonia and Latvia 245
November 1, 1923

4.1283 Defense Pact between France and the Union of Soviet
Socialist States 302
May 2, 1935

4.1446 Defense Pact between the Democratic Republic of the
Congo and the Central African Republic 534
May 11, 1998

4.1374 Defense Pact of the African and Malagasy
Union 424
September 9, 1961

1.1022 Defensive Alliance among Bavaria, Brandenburg,
Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and Köln 21
May 27, 1671

1.1024 Defensive Alliance among the Holy Roman Empire,
Denmark-Norway, Brandenburg, and
Hesse-Cassel 22
September 12, 1672

1.1041 Defensive Alliance between Denmark and
Saxony 31
March 3, 1693
1.1014 Defensive Alliance between Denmark-Norway and
Brandenburg 12
May 23, 1666
2.1099 Defensive Alliance between France and the
Netherlands 98
November 10, 1785
3.1138 Defensive Alliance between Spain and the
Netherlands 124
August 10, 1816
1.1013 Defensive Alliance between Sweden and
Brandenburg 12
March 27, 1666
2.1079 Defensive Alliance between Sweden and Turkey 86
December 22, 1739
1.1019 Defensive Alliance between the Emperor and
Saxony 14
November 30, 1668
1.1036 Defensive Alliance between the Holy Roman
Emperor and Bavaria 29
January 26, 1683
1.1027 Defensive Alliance between the Holy Roman Empire
and Denmark 23
January 16, 1674
2.1100 Defensive Alliance between the Netherlands and
Prussia 98
April 15, 1788
2.1051 Defensive and Offensive Alliance among the Holy
Roman Emperor, Portugal, Spain, Great Britain, and
the Netherlands 43
May 16, 1703
1.1034 Defensive League between Great Britain and
Spain 26
June 10, 1680
4.1229 Defensive Military Accord between France and
Belgium in the Case of an Unprovoked German
Attack 233
September 7, 1920
2.1084 Defensive Treaty of Peace and Alliance among Great
Britain, Hungary (the Holy Roman Empire), and
Sardinia 88
September 2, 1743
3.1192 Dual Alliance 181
October 7, 1879
3.1155 Erfurter Union (also, League of the Three
Kings) 141
May 26, 1849
4.1218 Exchange of Letters between France and Great Britain
Respecting Armed Assistance (Grey-Cambon
Letters) 226
November 23, 1912

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