International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Alphabetical Treaty Index

5.1450 Protocol on Politics, Defence, and Security
Cooperation by the Southern African Development
Community 540
August 14, 2001

2.1108 Provisional Convention between Portugal and
Spain 101
July 15, 1793

2.1101 Provisional Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Great
Britain and Prussia 99
June 13, 1788

2.1102 Provisional Treaty of Defensive Alliance between
Prussia and Turkey 99
January 31, 1790

3.1175 Prussian-Austrian Ultimatum 165
January 16, 1864

1.1016 Quadruple Alliance of 1666 13
October 15, 1666

2.1060 Quadruple Alliance of 1718 55
July 22, 1718

3.1137 Quadruple Alliance of 1815 123
November 20, 1815

3.1150 Quadruple Alliance of 1834 134
April 22, 1834

3.1199 Reinsurance Treaty 193
June 18, 1887

1.1045 Renewal of Secret Alliance between the Holy Roman
Emperor and Brandenburg 34
November 16, 1700

4.1213 Root-Takahira Exchange of Notes 221
November 30, 1908

4.1214 Russo-Italian Accord Concluded at Racconigi 222
October 24, 1909

3.1200 Second Mediterranean Agreement among Great
Britain, Austria-Hungary, and Italy 194
December 12, 1887

3.1140 Secret Protocol between Austria and Sardinia against
France 127
July 23, 1831

3.1148 Secret Treaty among Austria, Prussia, and Russia
Concerning Common Action against Revolutionaries
(Convention of Berlin) 133
October 15, 1833

3.1143 Secret Treaty among Austria, Prussia, and Russia
Relative to Common Action in the Belgian
Question 129
March 9, 1833

3.1131 Secret Treaty among Great Britain, Austria-Hungary,
and France against Prussia and Russia 117
January 3, 1815

4.1351 Security Treaty among Australia, New Zealand, and the
United States of America (ANZUS) 390
September 1, 1951

4.1352 Security Treaty between the United States of America
and Japan 392
September 8, 1951
4.1369 Sino-Afghan Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Non-
Aggression 418
August 26, 1960
4.1370 Sino-Cambodian Treaty of Friendship and Mutual
Non-Aggression 419
December 19, 1960
3.1204 Sino-Russian Secret Treaty of Alliance 199
June 3, 1896
4.1325 Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance 357
August 14, 1945
4.1357 Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty 397
September 8, 1954
4.1436 Soviet-French Cooperation Treaty 517
October 29, 1990
4.1396 Soviet-Iraqi Treaty of Friendship and
Co-operation 456
April 9, 1972
4.1285 Soviet Pact of Mutual Assistance with the Mongolian
People’s Republic 305
March 12, 1936
4.1401 Sudanese Defense Agreement with Egypt 459
July 15, 1976
4.1375 Taif Agreement 426
August 29, 1962
4.1312 Three-Power Pact among Germany, Italy, and Japan
(Tripartite Pact) 341
September 27, 1940
4.1416 Treaties of Friendship, Non-Aggression and Mutual
Defense between Guinea and Guinea-Bissau 478
January 25, 1980
3.1125 Treaties of Peace and of Offensive and Defensive
Alliance (Treaty of Tilsit 1807) 114
June 25, 1807
3.1165 Treaty among Austria, France, and Great Britain
guaranteeing the Independence and Integrity of the
Ottoman Empire 150
April 15, 1856
4.1339 Treaty among Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland 376
March 17, 1948
1.1005 Treaty among France, England, and the Netherlands
(Treaty of the Hague) 6
May 21, 1659
3.1139 Treaty among Great Britain, France, and Russia for the
Pacification of Greece 125
July 6, 1827
4.1237 Treaty among the United States of America, the British
Empire, France, and Japan 242
December 13, 1921

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