International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Alphabetical Treaty Index

1.1028 Treaty of Alliance among the Holy Roman Empire,
Spain, the Netherlands, and Denmark 23
July 10, 1674

4.1367 Treaty of Alliance among the Republic of Cyprus,
Greece, and Turkey 413
August 16, 1960

2.1096 Treaty of Alliance and Commerce between Great
Britain and Sweden 97
February 5, 1766

1.1020 Treaty of Alliance and Commerce between Portugal
and the Netherlands 14
July 30, 1669

4.1217 Treaty of Alliance and Defense between Bulgaria and
Greece (Balkan League) 225
May 16, 1912

4.1240 Treaty of Alliance and Friendship between France and
Czechoslovakia 245
January 25, 1924

2.1074 Treaty of Alliance and Guarantee among Denmark, the
Holy Roman Emperor, and Russia 85
May 26, 1732

2.1050 Treaty of Alliance and Guarantee of the Will of
Charles II 43
June 18, 1701

4.1227 Treaty of Alliance and Military Convention among
France, Great Britain, Italy, Russia, and
Romania 231
August 17, 1916

4.1330 Treaty of Alliance and Mutual Assistance between His
Majesty in Respect of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the
French Republic 365
March 4, 1947

4.1320 Treaty of Alliance and Mutual Assistance between the
U.S.S.R. and France 350
December 10, 1944

2.1088 Treaty of Alliance and Subsidy among France, Naples
(Two Sicilies), Spain, and Genoa 94
May 1, 1745

2.1077 Treaty of Alliance and Subsidy between Great Britain
and Denmark 86
September 30, 1734

4.1222 Treaty of Alliance between Austria-Hungary and
Bulgaria 229
September 6, 1914

2.1091 Treaty of Alliance between Austria-Hungary and
Sardinia 95
May 3, 1747

3.1121 Treaty of Alliance between Baden and France 113
September 5, 1805

2.1119 Treaty of Alliance between Bavaria and Russia 105
September 20, 1799

2.1080 Treaty of Alliance between Bavaria and Spain 87
May 28, 1741

1.1006 Treaty of Alliance between England and
Brandenburg 7
July 20, 1661
2.1105 Treaty of Alliance between England
and Sardinia 100
April 25, 1793
2.1048 Treaty of Alliance between France and Bavaria 42
March 9, 1701
1.1009 Treaty of Alliance between France and Denmark 10
July 24, 1663
2.1075 Treaty of Alliance between France and Sardinia 85
September 26, 1733
1.1033 Treaty of Alliance between France and Saxony 25
November 15, 1679
3.1123 Treaty of Alliance between France and
Württemberg 114
October 5, 1805
4.1220 Treaty of Alliance between Germany and
Turkey 228
August 2, 1914
3.1124 Treaty of Alliance between Hesse and Prussia 114
August of 1806
4.1327 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty in Respect of
the United Kingdom and His Highness the Amir of
Transjordan 360
March 22, 1946
4.1287 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty, in Respect of
the United Kingdom, and His Majesty the King of
Egypt 308
August 26, 1936
3.1203 Treaty of Alliance between Korea and Japan 198
August 26, 1894
2.1109 Treaty of Alliance between Poland and Russia 102
October 5, 1793
2.1069 Treaty of Alliance between Prussia and Russia 73
August 10, 1726
2.1097 Treaty of Alliance between Prussia and Russia 98
March 20, 1777
2.1092 Treaty of Alliance between Prussia and Sweden 96
May 18, 1747
2.1090 Treaty of Alliance between Russia and Denmark 95
June 10, 1746
2.1089 Treaty of Alliance between Russia and Sweden 95
June 14, 1745
1.1015 Treaty of Alliance between Sweden and Saxony 12
July 6, 1666
1.1018 Treaty of Alliance between the Emperor
and Sweden 14
May 6, 1668
2.1057 Treaty of Alliance between the Holy Roman Emperor
and Great Britain (Treaty of Westminster) 49
May 25, 1716

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