International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

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Alphabetical Treaty Index

2.1068 Treaty of Alliance between the Holy Roman Emperor
and Russia 72
August 6, 1726

2.1052 Treaty of Alliance between the Netherlands
and Savoy 47
January 21, 1705

4.1221 Treaty of Alliance between the Ottoman Empire and
Bulgaria 229
August 19, 1914

4.1207 Treaty of Alliance between the Principality of Bulgaria
and the Kingdom of Serbia 214
March 30, 1904

4.1232 Treaty of Alliance between Turkey and
Afghanistan 237
March 1, 1921

2.1117 Treaty of Alliance between Turkey and the
Two Sicilies 104
January 21, 1799

2.1058 Treaty of Alliance for the Procuring of Peace with
Sweden 51
September 14, 1716

3.1160 Treaty of Alliance, Offensive and Defensive, between
Austria and Prussia 145
April 20, 1854

2.1104 Treaty of Amity and Alliance among Austria, Prussia,
and Sardinia 100
February 7, 1792

2.1071 Treaty of Amity and Alliance between Bavaria and
France 76
November 12, 1727

2.1103 Treaty of Amity and Alliance between Poland and
Prussia 99
March 29, 1790

2.1082 Treaty of Amity and Alliance between Saxony (Poland)
and Spain 88
September 20, 1741

3.1166 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, Navigation, and Limits
between the Argentine Confederation and
Paraguay 151
July 29, 1856

4.1286 Treaty of Arab Brotherhood and Alliance between the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iraq 306
April 2, 1936

2.1098 Treaty of Association among Hanover, Prussia, and
Saxony 98
July 23, 1785

4.1210 Treaty of Bjöorkö 217
July 24, 1905

4.1332 Treaty of Brotherhood and Alliance between the
Kingdom of Iraq and the Hashemite Kingdom of
Transjordan 367
April 14, 1947

4.1389 Treaty of Brotherhood, Good-Neighbourliness, and
Co-operation between Algeria and Tunisia 445
January 6, 1970
4.1390 Treaty of Brotherhood, Good-Neighbourly Relations,
and Co-operation between the Kingdom of Morocco
and Mauritania 445
June 8, 1970
4.1388 Treaty of Brotherhood, Good-Neighbourly Relations,
and Co-operation between the Kingdom of Morocco
and the Democratic and Popular Republic
of Algeria 444
January 15, 1969
3.1190 Treaty of Budapest 178
January 15, 1877
2.1065 Treaty of Defensive Alliance among Russia, Sweden,
and the Holy Roman Emperor 69
February 22, 1724
2.1113 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Austria and the
Two Sicilies 103
May 19, 1798
1.1003 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Brandenburg
and the Netherlands 5
July 27, 1655
2.1076 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Denmark and
Sweden 85
September 24, 1734
1.1001 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Denmark
and the Netherlands 4
October 9, 1649
1.1012 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between England and
Sweden 11
March 1, 1665
1.1031 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between England
and the Netherlands 25
December 31, 1677
2.1081 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between France and
Prussia 87
June 5, 1741
1.1035 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between France
and Savoy 28
November 24, 1682
2.1062 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between France
and Spain 66
March 27, 1721
2.1063 Treaty of Defensive Alliance among France, Great
Britain, and Spain 66
June 13, 1721
2.1116 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Great Britain
and Turkey 104
January 5, 1799
4.1258 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Italy
and Albania 263
November 22, 1927

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