International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Alphabetical Treaty Index

2.1118 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Portugal and
Russia 105
September 7, 1799

2.1086 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Russia and
Saxony 94
January 24, 1744

2.1114 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Russia and the
Two Sicilies 103
November 29, 1798

2.1115 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Russia and
Turkey 104
January 3, 1799

1.1029 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Sweden and
Bavaria 24
March 9, 1675

1.1032 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Sweden and
Denmark 25
September 27, 1679

2.1066 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between the Holy Roman
Emperor and Spain 70
April 30, 1725

4.1257 Treaty of Friendly Understanding between France and
the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes 262
November 11, 1927

2.1083 Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between Denmark
and France 88
March 15, 1742

4.1354 Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between Her Majesty
in Respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of the
United Kingdom of Libya 394
July 29, 1953

3.1130 Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between Prussia and
Spain 116
January 20, 1814

4.1216 Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between the Kingdom
of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Serbia 223
February 29, 1912

4.1417 Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between the Socialist
People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the Republic of
Chad 478
June 15, 1980

4.1353 Treaty of Friendship and Collaboration among the
Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia, the Kingdom
of Greece, and the Turkish Republic 393
February 28, 1953

4.1429 Treaty of Friendship and Concord among Algeria,
Tunisia, and Mauritania 503
March 20, 1983

4.1441 Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation between France
and Russia 527
February 7, 1992

4.1443 Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Russia
and Mongolia 531
January 20, 1993

5.1451 Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the
Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Albania 544
November 22, 2001
4.1261 Treaty of Friendship between Abyssinia
and Italy 267
August 2, 1928
4.1249 Treaty of Friendship between France and
Romania 253
June 10, 1926
4.1315 Treaty of Friendship between Germany and
Turkey 343
June 18, 1941
4.1231 Treaty of Friendship between Persia and the Russian
Socialist Federal Soviet Republic 234
February 26, 1921
4.1427 Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Socialist
People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 500
September 9, 1982
4.1408 Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation between the
German Democratic Republic and Angola 469
February 19, 1979
4.1409 Treaty of Friendship and Co-Operation between the
German Democratic Republic and
Mozambique 469
February 24, 1979
4.1413 Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation between the
German Democratic Republic and Socialist
Ethiopia 473
November 15, 1979
4.1414 Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation between the
German Democratic Republic and the Democratic
Republic of Yemen 475
November 17, 1979
4.1432 Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the
Government of the Republic of Malta and the Socialist
People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 507
November 29, 1984
4.1424 Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation between the
Hungarian People’s Republic and the People’s
Republic of Angola 496
October 9, 1981
4.1415 Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation between the
People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen
and Ethiopia 476
December 2, 1979
4.1428 Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation between the
People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Socialist People’s
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 501
January 21, 1983
4.1419 Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation between the
Syrian Arab Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics 482
October 8, 1980
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