International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

Western Hemisphere 83


Dispute Number: 2139
Date(s): May 17, 1977 to July 19, 1977
Participants: 90 Guatemala/200 United Kingdom
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: On May 17, 1977, the Guatemalan government issued a warning that it
would resort to arms if Britain attempted to unilaterally grant Belize its independence.
Guatemala then began a buildup of troops and armaments later in June. Great Britain
delivered troops and ammunition to Belize, placing its troops about two miles from
the Guatemalan border, anti-aircraft missile systems outside of Belize’s only airport,
and a British naval frigate in Belizean waters near Guatemala in late June and early
July. Tripartite talks on the Belize question occurred between July 6 and 8, with both
Britain and Guatemala agreeing to reduce their military presence along the border.
Neither side did, however. On July 19, the Guatemalan government issued a statement
asserting that its troops would stay on the border as long as British troops remained
in Belize.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from April 17, 1977.

90 Guatemala/230 Spain


Dispute Number: 2046
Date(s): July 27, 1890 to August 25, 1890
Participants: 200 United Kingdom, 230 Spain/90 Guatemala
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: Spain sent two warships to Guatemala to protect Spanish citizens during
the civil conflict. Britain also sent a warship separately.

90 Guatemala/255 Germany


Dispute Number: 2647
Date(s): April 22, 1918
Participants: 90 Guatemala/255 Germany, 300 Austria-Hungary
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (Unclear)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: Guatemala declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary.
Coding changes: Added to the dispute: 300 Austria-Hungary. Start Date changed
from April 23, 1918. End Date changed from November 11, 1918. Outcome changed
from Unclear. Settlement changed from None.

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