International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

Western Hemisphere 151

Narrative: On January 1, 1977, the president of Peru denied accusations that he was
preparing for hostilities with Chile following his purchase of armaments from the
Soviet Union. Nevertheless, Peru began moving tanks and troops toward its military
bases in the south, and Chile began fortifying its northern border, digging tank traps
in preparation for a possible invasion. At issue was the disposition of bordering ter-
ritories that had once belonged to Bolivia and served as that country’s access to the
sea prior to the War of the Pacific (1879).
Coding changes: Start Date changed from January 8, 1977. End Date changed from
January 25, 1977.


Dispute Number: 3018
Date(s): August 1977
Participants: 135 Peru/155 Chile
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: Bolivia pressed their claims for renewed access to the Pacific and
requested that Peru and Chile come to some agreement that would allow sea access.
Peru suggested creating a territory of mutual sovereignty between the three countries
in Arica, which is in northern Chile. Chile offered Bolivia a narrow strip of territory
along its border with Peru in exchange for some of Bolivia’s land along its Andean
border with Chile. Both states rejected the proposals. In August 1977, both Peru and
Chile renewed arms purchases to attain leverage in the dispute. Peru purchased mod-
ern arms, including 36 Soviet Sukhoi, 22 fighter-bombers, and more than 300 Soviet
tanks. Chile strengthened its air force, purchasing 36 F-5 US fighters and British
Hawker fighter-bombers, and built up its land defenses in the northern border area
with Peru. The United States sought to ease tensions between the three governments,
and tensions gradually decreased with no resolution for Bolivia.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from August 31, 1977. End Date changed from
August 31, 1977.

135 Peru/230 Spain


Dispute Number: 1498
Date(s): November 7, 1846 to December 7, 1846
Participants: 135 Peru, 155 Chile/230 Spain
Outcome (and Settlement): Yield by side B (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: It was rumored in South America that General Flores and the Spanish
navy were planning to install monarchical regimes on its possessions in the Western
Hemisphere. Peru responded immediately on November 7, 1846, by putting its forces
on alert, and even going so far as to declare war (although no fighting resulted from

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