International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

164 Chapter 2

of Belgium for arbitration. Leopold of Belgium ruled in favor of Brazil in June 1863.
The five ships were released.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from June 1862. Settlement changed from


Dispute Number: 1645
Date(s): January 3, 1895 to July 3, 1895
Participants: 200 United Kingdom/140 Brazil
Outcome (and Settlement): Yield by side A (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: Trinidad Island is a small island located approximately 650 miles off the
Brazilian coast. It was initially discovered by the Portuguese in 1501 and first visited by
the English in 1700. The English occupied the islands for a period of time during a war
with Spain but withdrew under protest from the Portuguese. When Brazil became inde-
pendent, Portugal abandoned the island while Brazil made plans for it. With no clear
occupant through its history, the island became the center of a dispute between Brazil
and the United Kingdom. The British ship Baracuta landed at Trinidad in January 1895
with a small garrison of troops and raised the British flag, thus occupying the territory.
When news reached Brazil in July 1895, Brazil protested. The British prime min-
ister replied that it was the British who actually first occupied the island back in 1700
and that no trace of Portuguese or Brazilian occupation was found when the Baracuta
arrived. Brazil initially refused arbitration on the matter. Portugal, traditionally an ally
of the British, intervened to explain the basis of Brazil’s claim. The British yielded
and ceded the island to Brazil. In January 1897, a Brazilian ship arrived at the island
to place a bronze plaque on the island, confirming ownership.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from Missing. End Date changed from Missing.
Outcome changed from Yield by side A. Settlement changed from Negotiated.


Dispute Number: 3864
Date(s): November 12, 1940 to December 16, 1940
Participants: 200 United Kingdom/140 Brazil
Outcome (and Settlement): Released (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: Britain seized three Brazilian ships in November and December 1940—
the Itape, the Buarque, and the Siqueira Campos. The final ship was released on
December 16, 1940.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from December 3, 1940.

140 Brazil/220 France


Dispute Number: 1752
Date(s): July 6, 1826

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