International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

178 Chapter 2

Fatalities: None
Narrative: Bolivia declared war on Germany, Italy, and Japan.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from December 4, 1943. End Date changed
from June 4, 1944. Outcome changed from Unclear. Settlement changed from None.

145 Bolivia/325 Italy


Started in April 1943. See the narrative in the 145 Bolivia/255 Germany dyad dispute list.

145 Bolivia/740 Japan


Started in April 1943. See the narrative in the 145 Bolivia/255 Germany dyad dispute list.

150 Paraguay/160 Argentina


Dispute Number: 1586
Date(s): November 1845 to June 22, 1846
Participants: 160 Argentina/150 Paraguay
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: Paraguay’s dictator, Lopez, asked Rosas of Argentina to recognize Para-
guay’s independence in 1844, but Rosas refused. Rosas closed the Parana to vessels
bound for Paraguay in 1945. Lopez then renewed his treaty with Corrientes, an
opposing leader in Argentina. Rosas tightened the blockade. On December 4, 1845,
Lopez declared war on Rosas. Lopez decided to cooperate with Correntino forces
and followed them across the Parana in January 1846. At the beginning of 1846,
General Lopez and his 5,000 Paraguayan troops moved across the Parana and into
the Corrientes, Argentina. After a series of failed operations and movements, the
Paraguayan forces crossed the Parana again, this time back into Paraguay. Argentina
accepted American mediation in the dispute with Paraguay on June 22.
The Correntinos were defeated, and Lopez left before any clash or even use of
weapons. Lopez decided to remain neutral in the Argentine civil war.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from January 1, 1846. End Date changed from
July 1, 1846.


Started in August 1863. See the narrative in the 140 Brazil/150 Paraguay dyad dispute

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