International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

192 Chapter 2


Dispute Number: 4148
Date(s): March 6, 1996 to March 12, 1996
Participants: 200 United Kingdom/155 Chile
Outcome (and Settlement): Released (Unclear)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: A British patrol boat detained the Antonio Lorenzo, a Chilean vessel, on
March 6, 1996. This was part of the British attempt to enforce exclusive fishing rights
in a 200-mile radius of the South Georgia Islands. It was escorted to Port Stanley, and
was held there for a few days. Britain also detained an Argentine ship and demanded
a fee of $110,000 to fish in the zone. Both Chile and Argentina rejected any British
attempt to unilaterally impose tariffs or regulations on the fishing in the disputed
waters around the South Georgia Islands.
Coding changes: End Date changed from Missing.

155 Chile/220 France


Dispute Number: 1633
Date(s): April 27, 1876 to July 1876
Participants: 155 Chile/220 France
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: Chile seized the French vessel Jeanne Amelie that was bearing an Argen-
tine permit to collect guano off the coast of Patagonia. The vessel was taken because
it was operating in Chilean territory without authorization on April 27. Argentina
disputed Chilean claims to the area.
Coding changes: Participant changed: The ship seized was French but bore an Argen-
tine permit to fish disputed waters. Since the seizure was of a French ship—the Jeanne
Amelie—the dispute involves France and not Argentina, as originally coded. End Date
changed from August 2, 1876.


Started in January 1883. See the narrative in the 155 Chile/200 United Kingdom dyad
dispute list.

155 Chile/230 Spain


Started in November 1846. See the narrative in the 135 Peru/230 Spain dyad dispute list.

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