International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

Western Hemisphere 197

presented similar notes to Buenos Aires on July 8, 1845. It demanded the retreat of
Argentina from Uruguay and the lifting of its blockade on Montevideo. Similar notes
were presented on the 18th and 19th, and an ultimatum was given on the 21st to be
satisfied by the end of the month.
Dissatisfied with the Argentine response, a full blockade was declared on August

  1. Several clashes between both sides ensued, but there was no satisfactory conclu-
    sion for the British or the French. Discontent with the policy swelled in London,
    where it became apparent that the blockade was having no effect on Argentina. Great
    Britain lifted its blockade on July 15, 1847, after it had arranged an armistice with
    Argentine and Uruguayan ministers on this matter. France ultimately followed suit
    on June 16, 1848.
    Coding changes: Start Date changed from April 1845. End Date changed from March
    26, 1846. Settlement changed from Imposed. Fatalities changed from Missing.


Dispute Number: 1763
Date(s): May 1880 to December 1880
Participants: 160 Argentina/200 United Kingdom
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (Unclear)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: This dispute began during an extremely heated election year in Argentina.
It was obvious that one man, Julio Roca, would be swept into office. In an attempt to
intimidate the Chamber of Deputies, the supporters of the opposing candidate, Carlos
Tejedor, the governor of Buenos Aires, began to build up arms. In May 1880, Argen-
tine naval vessels stopped a British steamer in the estuary of the Rio de la Plata, seized
it, and searched it for arms allegedly under the order of the Province of Buenos Aires.
The steamer was later released. Fighting between the factions broke out in June 1880,
and a blockade was placed on the city of Buenos Aires, leading the British government
to fear for the well-being of its citizens and interests there. The fighting subsided at
the end of 1880, with the successful election of Roca, and by December the economy
and British profits once again began to rise.


Started in February 1947. See the narrative in the 155 Chile/200 United Kingdom dyad
dispute list.


Started in January 1948. See the narrative in the 155 Chile/200 United Kingdom dyad
dispute list.


Dispute Number: 363
Date(s): February 4, 1976

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