International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

2 United States of America/225 Switzerland


Dispute Number: 3209
Date(s): October 2, 1954
Participants: 2 United States of America/225 Switzerland
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: A US Air Force F-80 jet violated Swiss airspace over northern Switzer-
land on October 2, 1954. Swiss Venom fighters chased the F-80 out of Switzerland
and back into German airspace. The Swiss government protested the violation.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from October 4, 1954. End Date changed from
October 4, 1954.


Dispute Number: 2870
Date(s): March 19, 1959 to March 20, 1959
Participants: 2 United States of America/225 Switzerland
Outcome (and Settlement): Released (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: An American reconnaissance aircraft was en route from Nice, France, to
a military base in West Germany when it flew over Swiss airspace and was forced to
land and seized by the Swiss. The pilot stated that he had been told he did not need
permission to pass over Switzerland. The pilot was released the next day.

Chapter 3


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