International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

206 Chapter 3

Participants: 2 United States of America/265 German Democratic Republic
Outcome (and Settlement): Released (Negotiated)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: East Germany seized nine American soldiers who landed their helicopter
in its territory during a storm. Negotiations proceeded for six weeks before the men
were released under a β€œRed Cross arrangement.”
Coding changes: Start Date changed from June 8, 1958. Settlement changed from


Started in July 1961. See the narrative in the 2 United States of America/365 Russia
dyad dispute list.


Started in November 1961. See the narrative in the 260 German Federal Republic/265
German Democratic Republic dyad dispute list.


Started in March 1985. See the narrative in the 2 United States of America/365 Russia
dyad dispute list.

2 United States of America/290 Poland


Started in July 1961. See the narrative in the 2 United States of America/365 Russia
dyad dispute list.

2 United States of America/305 Austria


Dispute Number: 2876
Date(s): October 8, 1960
Participants: 2 United States of America/305 Austria
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: An American military helicopter landed in Schoenbichl, Austria. The crew
mistakenly believed they were still in West Germany. Austria protested.

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