International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

214 Chapter 3

200 United Kingdom/230 Spain


Started in March 1866. See the narrative in the 2 United States of America/230 Spain
dyad dispute list.


Started in October 1873. See the narrative in the 2 United States of America/230 Spain
dyad dispute list.


Dispute Number: 3836
Date(s): July 17, 1940 to October 24, 1940
Participants: 230 Spain/200 United Kingdom
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: On July 17, 1940, Spanish General Francisco Franco declared that Spain
demanded the return of Gibraltar and the expansion of the Spanish empire in Africa.
Franco stated that 2,000,000 soldiers were ready to fight.
Britain moved 1,600 more troops and arms to Gibraltar two days later. After many
Axis threats of a combined Axis and Spanish attack, the Axis powers announced that
they did not expect Spain to join the war against Britain; Spain’s strategic and eco-
nomic position of Spain was of little help because of its ongoing civil war.
Coding changes: Start Date changed from July 16, 1940. End Date changed from
October 22, 1940.


Dispute Number: 1717
Date(s): August 8, 1969 to November 30, 1969
Participants: 200 United Kingdom/230 Spain
Outcome (and Settlement): Unclear (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: The Spanish government undertook some provocative measures regarding
Gibraltar, which it viewed and views as unredeemed Spanish territory wrested from
it by the British during the War of Spanish Succession in 1704. The incidents started
on June 18, 1969, when Spain closed its one road into Gibraltar as a means to apply
political pressure to Gibraltar’s residents. Though an overseas territory of the United
Kingdom, Gibraltar depended on the benevolence of Spain for things like phone ser-
vice, cable service, and the ability to migrate across the border to work. On June 26,
Spain upped the ante by closing its ferry service into Gibraltar. Thereafter, the only
means into Gibraltar was via plane from London.

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