International Conflicts, 1816-2010. Militarized Interstate Dispute Narratives - Douglas M. Gibler

(Marcin) #1

216 Chapter 3


Dispute Number: 9
Date(s): December 29, 1889 to January 10, 1890
Participants: 200 United Kingdom/235 Portugal
Outcome (and Settlement): Compromise (Imposed)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: This is a dispute between Portugal and Great Britain surrounding Portu-
guese expeditions into the regions west of Lake Nyasa. The object of these expeditions
was to establish Portuguese claims to the Nyasaland area, which was then a British
protectorate. The expeditions angered the British since they had just granted access
to the area to the South Africa Company. After attempts through diplomatic channels
seemed to fail, Britain responded by dispatching the Atlantic Squadron, consisting
of Active, Volage, Ruby, and Calyps from Portsmouth, to the vicinity of Portugal’s
outlying islands. A London newspaper hinted that the purpose was to sack Madeira
over the prospective conflict in Nyasaland. Britain then delivered a stiff ultimatum to
Portugal on January 10, which prompted outrage across Portugal. However, Portugal
considered its options and opted to yield to the pressure. Portuguese forces that were
in present day Zambia and Zimbabwe retreated to Mozambique and Angola. A treaty
was signed on August 20, 1890, to settle the issue, but was not ratified. The corollary
treaty on June 1891 was eventually ratified, however.
Coding changes: Outcome changed from Compromise. Settlement changed from


Dispute Number: 1649
Date(s): October 11, 1899 to October 14, 1899
Participants: 200 United Kingdom/235 Portugal
Outcome (and Settlement): Yield by side B (None)
Fatalities: None
Narrative: Great Britain demanded that Portugal declare war on the Boers. Portugal
had alluded to their obligations due to their ancient treaties with British territory, but
Britain argued that those treaties did not cover Transvaal. The British had not claimed
nor was going to claim sovereignty over the territory. Britain gave Portugal an ultima-
tum: declare war on the Boers, or Britain would blockade Lourenco Marques. A secret
declaration of an alliance between the two countries followed quickly on October 14,
Coding changes: Start Date changed from October 11, 1897. End Date changed from
October 11, 1897.


Dispute Number: 3135
Date(s): March 9, 1966 to April 14, 1966
Participants: 200 United Kingdom/235 Portugal
Outcome (and Settlement): Yield by side B (Negotiated)

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